
With XHTML strict the border affects the background color

Let's say I have the following minimalistic HTML code: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"&gt; <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" > <body style="background-color:silver; padding:0px; margin:0px;"> <div style="background-color:Lime;"> <h1>Title</h1> ...

XHTML Strict not rendering properly in Quirks Mode

When XHTML Strict is considered to be a proper markup that works across all platforms, my webpage that's in XHTML 1.0 Strict does render differently in Quirks mode. http://www.myfurni.com Am I doing something wrong? The page perfectly validates in W3C! EDITED FOR THOSE WHO REFER TO THIS QUESTION AFTER THE LINKED PAGE HAS CHANGED: The...

XHTML Strict Table with Varying Column Width

I'm trying to put to gether a navigation bar using a table: There are n links to different parts of the website There is one "logout" link, which is an icon of fixed size What I'd like to do is the following. The available width for the whole bar (which is known in advance) minus the required width of the icon should be divided equal...

XHTML won't validate && and < in a JavaScript function

Here's the snippet of code that won't validate: if (user_age > 15 && user_age < 91) It gets the following errors: XML Parsing Error: StartTag: invalid element name and XML Parsing Error: xmlParseEntityRef: no name The first error is thrown for the "less than" and the second one is thrown twice, once for each ampersand. Replacin...

(X)HTML+CSS Validation warnings

I try to pass my css valiation yet I still have a few warnings like the following: In (x)HTML+CSS, floated elements need to have a width declared. Only elements with an intrinsic width (html, img, input, textarea, select, or object) are not affected In fact, I don't understand very well what it relly means. Anyone can explain? ...

Sorting divs without leaving any gaps.

Is there any way I could resize my div elements without leaving gaps on the page? I think the only option is to calculate the possible generated gaps and move the elements around. Thanks in advance for any idea. Example - (Please click on the cards in order to resize) ...

Can we place `<img>` inside `<h1>` according to web standards?

Can we place <img> inside <h1> according to web standards? like this <h1> Demo text <img src="anyimage.jpg"/> </h1> ...

Why <div style="width:50%" /> is not rendered in xHTML?

Why <div style="width:50%" /> is not rendered in xHTML? If I do <div style="width:50%"> &nbsp; </div> only then it is rendered. Do I miss something? Will min-width help? I use strict xHTML 1.0 Is it possible to fix it with CSS only or I must change html markup? ...

Is it possible to render empty <div style="width:50%"> </div> with CSS in xHTML strict 1.0 without setting width and height in pixels?

Is it possible to render empty <div style="width:50%"> </div> with CSS in xHTML strict 1.0 without setting width and height in absolute values and not adding &nbsp; inside? Targets are IE7-8, FF 3.x Can I somehow render empty div if I want it to get 50% width and variable height? ...

Implement depths in XHTML Strict

I would like to implement <div> beneath a <table>, in other words, the div will be visible, as the table has transparent png's in but it will behind the <table>. Does anyone know how to do this? I tried float:left and differing z-index's, but to no avail. ...

Textarea spellcheck attribute XHTML Strict

I would like to turn off the built-in spellcheck functionality in certain browsers such as Firefox and Opera on a textarea that contains HTML embed code for visitors to copy and paste. This can be done with following attribute: spellcheck="false" However, this causes a validation error for XHTML Strict. Also, it doesn't work properly i...

If I use XHTML transitional doctype then will it show (in my portfolio) like I'm not a professional expert?

If I use XHTML transitional doctype then will it show (in my portfolio) like I'm not a professional expert? It is for one client who is not paying much for work, and he doesn't know about Web Standards. I want to use some deprecated or presentational item to save time so what should I give to him? Site with XHTML strict but with some...

xHTML/CSS: How to make inner div get 100% width minus another div width

I have 2 nested divs inside outer one, which has width:100%. Both nested divs should be in one line and first should get it size from it's contents: <div id="#outer" style="width:100%; border:1px"> <div id="#inner1" style="border:1px; display:inline"> inner div 1. Some text... </div> <div id="#inner2" style="width:100%????; bo...

Are single quotes valid in HTML/XHTML?

Are single quotes valid in HTML? And more specifically: XHTML strict. <table width="100%"> <table width='100%'> ...

How can I produce an nested list in XHTML strict without giving the nested lists first element a double bullet?

Hi, I'm trying to create a list nested within a list using XHTML Strict 1.0. The problem is that with XHTML strict a ul element can not be nested directly within another ul element. Thus, the inner ul element has to be nested within a li element. However, when doing it this way, the first row of the inner list get a dubble bullet, as sh...

Using table inside a table a good practice in XHTML?

I was wondering if using table inside a td (another table inside a table) a good practice or is it a strict no-no, talking in terms of xHTML. <table> <tr> <td>ABC</td> <td>1438</td> <td>graph</td> <td>holiday</td> <td> <!--Sub Table --> <table> <tr> <td>Subtable col1...

Using role in XHTML 1.0 strict validated

Is there a validated alternative to using role for XHTML 1.0 strict? For example, Thanks. ...

Multiple Html <head> in the browser , causes by DreamWeaver bom

Hi, I am using DreamWeaver to code xHtml docs. in the program the code is valid but when I upload it in the inspect element I see double <head> tags and when I right-click to see the source file it seems o.k. Is it because I'm using dreamweaver? what can be wrong? the first error is : "Extra <html> encountered. Migrating attributes bac...

how to overcome "name" attribute error in xhtml Strict

in my form i have this code <form action="mail.php" class="contactForm" name="cform" method="post"> Problem is when i validate it tells me "name" is not allowed on xhtml strict. is there a way i can use soem thing else for this. thanks ...

Trouble closing img tags in Javascript – using strict xhtml DTD

Hi I am using a Javascript called Niceforms.js which makes HTML forms looks pretty. It works fine under the xHTML Transitional Doctype, but I need to build my site using Strict xHTML. It has a few problems rendering under Strict and I'm fairly sure it's because it isn't putting the trailing slash in a few <img> elements so that they ...