
What is the proper way to reference Embedded Resources in .net xmldoc comments?

I have a C# project that uses xml comments. I make chm files from them with Sandcastle via the Sandcastle Help File Builder. One of the member functions in this project makes use of an embedded resource. I want to reference it in the help file. It seems that sandcastle does not support this, but the xml documentation files it parses does...

Put prefix on all elements of xml document

Hi. I'm using C# and i need to create a XML document. Ok, i did, but, in each element i need to put a tc prefix. The only way that i know, is using xmlDoc.CreateElement("tc", "node1", "file.xsd"), but it is very massive because i have lots of tags and my program its already writted. Is this the only way? thx ...

Problem with XML encoding of database contents with Latin characters

I have an ASP Access database that contains strings in various European languages. The database was populated prior by agents in the respective countries. It contains entries with accented etc characters as you would expect. If I open the database with MS Access these characters show up fine. For example the the German equivalent of...

innerHTML yielding undefined, but correct data is visible

var Model,node; document.getElementById('sedans').innerHTML=''; var thismodelabbr,prevmodelabbr; for(var j=0; j<xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('data').length; j++){ node = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('data')[j]; thismodelabbr=node.getAttribute('model'); if(prevmodelabbr!=thismodelabbr){ ...

How programmatically extract type description which is shown by intellisense as hint

When I type some Class, e.g. Console, then press ctrl+space and intellisense show hint "Class System.Console Represents standart input, output and error streams...." How programmatically get this text. Can't find in google, may be I'm stupid noob. Thanks. ...

Proper xml comments on .NET interface

if there is an interface and a class that implements it and you want to have the the xml comment on it to be used in VS intellisense or documentation where would you put the xml comment? on the interface's methods or on the concrete class methods? What is the correct way? My thoughts are to put it in the interface because we are declari...