
Xpath or xquery and test the order

Hi, Using SoapUI (great tool for WS by the way), I have the following xml result : <code>c</code> <code>b</code> <code>a</code> For this sample above, i would like to test the code value are order asc. Of course, for this sample the test will fail like excepted. Any solution with xquery or xpath (i can use groovy inside the test if ...

Click an edit link in a table with xpath and cucumber

How can I use cucumber to click an edit link in a list of items in a table using xpath? I've got a selector working that returns the link I need, but it's one of many results.... how can I return only 1 result? Here is my cucumber step When /^I click the "([^\"]*)" link for "([^\"]*)"$/ do |link, cell_value| within "//*[.//td[contai...

XPath selection from path in XML content

I have the following XML: <root> <name>The name</name> <long> <path> <value>Some Value</value> </path> </long> <field>/root/name</field> <field>/root/long/path/value</field> </root> and I want to select these paths in the field tags however, when I try the following: <xsl:value-of select="/root/field[1]" /> ...

xpath - limit search to node not working?

What am I doing wrong here? I am trying to limit my xpath search to a specific row in my table but my query always returns the content of the span in the first row: var query = "//span[contains(@id, 'timer')]"; var root = document.getElementById('movements').rows[1]; document.evaluate(query, root, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TY...

How to read XML using XPath in Java

Hi guys, I want to read XML data using XPath in Java, so for the information I have gathered I am not able to parse XML according to my requirement. here is what I want to do: Get XML file from online via its URL, then use XPath to parse it, I want to create two methods in it. One is in which I enter a specific node attribute id, and ...

distinct in Xpath ?

Hi, I have this XML file, from which I'd like to count the number of users referenced in it. But they can appear in more than one category, and I'd like these duplicates not to be taken into account. In the example below, the query should return 3 and not 4. Is there a way in XPath to do so? Users are not sorted at all. <list> <group...

PERL XPath Parser Help

I want to pull in data using a XML::XPath parser from a XML DB file from the Worldbank site. The problem is that I'm not seeing any results in the output. I must be missing something in the code. Ideally, I would like to extract just the death rate statistics from each country XML DB (year and value). I'm using this as part of my input: ...

I want to use Xpath in Android to parse XML

Hi guys, I like to use Xpath to parse XML ins java, but when I am doing the same on android, XPath is not found. any idea how it can be implemented. and also if its not possible then any other parser for android which is fast? Thanks Kai ...

Parse XML with XPath & namespaces in Java

Can you help me adjust this code so it manages to parse the XML? If I drop the XML namespace it works: String webXmlContent = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n" + "<foo xmlns=\"http://foo.bar/boo\"&gt;&lt;bar&gt;baz&lt;/bar&gt;&lt;/foo&gt;"; DocumentBuilderFactory domFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.ne...

Get a string sequence from a node-set in xpath 1.0

I'm using xpath 1.0 to parse an html file and I want to get a string sequence from a node-set. First I select a node-set (eg: //div) and then I want the string-value of each node of the set. I've tried with string(//div) but it only returns the string-value of the first node in the set. Example <foo> <div> bbbb<p>aaa</p> ...

Preserving order when copying elements using Deliverance / XPath

How would I, using Deliverance & XPath (or CSS) selectors, select and copy list items .one and .three from each list below, but display them in the order of their parent list? <ul id="a-wrapper"> <li class="one"></li> <li class="two"></li> <li class="three"></li> <li class="four"></li> </li> <ul id="b-wrapper"> <li class...

Relative XPath selection using XmlNode (c#)

Say i have the following xml file: <a> <b> <c></c> </b> <b> <c></c> </b> </a> var nodes = doc.SelectNodes("/a/b"); will select the two b nodes. I then loop these two nodes suchas: foreach (XmlNode node in nodes) { } However, when i call node.SelectNodes("/a/b/c"); It still returns both values and not just the des...

Updating XML file c#

I want to replace a xml node that is not a child of the root element. how can I do it? ...

Can I use relative XPath expressions in libxml2?

I am wondering whether it is possible to use relative XPath expressions in libxml2. This is from the javax.xml.xpath API and I would like to do the similar thing using libxml2: Node widgetNode = (Node) xpath.evaluate(expression, document, XPathConstants.NODE); With a reference to the element, a relative XPath expression can n...

XPath Trouble with getting attributes

I'm having a bit of trouble with some XML in Java. The following is the result of an API call to EVE Online. How can I get the "name" and "characterID" for each row? Frankly I just have no idea where to start with this one, so please don't ask for extra information. I just gotta know how to get those attributes. <?xml version='1.0' en...

Query for value where a default namespace node exists

I have the following XML that is provided to me and I cannot change it: <Parent> <Settings Version="1234" xmlns="urn:schemas-stuff-com"/> </Parent> I am trying to retrieve the "Version" attribute value using XPath. It appears since the xmlns is defined without an alias it automatically assigns that xmlns to the Settings node. When...

Nokogiri (Ruby) and XPath

Does Nokogiri only support XPath 1.0? I'm trying to do simple string replacement in a value-of cell, like so (where element contains something like '* My string (useless text)') <xsl:value-of select="replace(element,'^\*\ (.+)\ \(.*\)$','\\1')"> Is this poorly formed XSL? Or is there a limitation with Nokogiri? ...

Need help accessing PHP DOM elements

Hey guys, I have the following HTML structure that I am trying to pull information from: // Product 1 <div class="productName"> <span id="product-name-1">Product Name 1</span> </div> <div class="productDetail"> <span class="warehouse">Warehouse 1, ACT</span> <span class="quantityInStock">25</span> </div> ...

PHP simplexml and xpath

I have an XML file like this: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <gallery> <album tnPath="tn/" lgPath="imm/" fsPath="iml/" > <img src="001.jpg" /> <img src="002.jpg" /> </album> </gallery> I am reading the file with: $xmlFile = "xml.xml"; $xmlStr = file_get_contents($xmlFile . "?" . time()); $xmlObj = simp...

PHP Xpath, help selecting a very specific node

Similar question from last night, I don't have access to edit the source HTML and I am attempting to parse a lot of data from a website to do product price/comparisons against. For the most part, it's working but I am now trying to make it more efficient, faster and easier to read my spaghetti code. I have the following test code; and w...