
Looking for a download location for XSDClassGen

As a follow-up to this question I'm looking for someone who can provide me with a link to XSDClassGen, a .NET 2.0 "version" of XSDObjectGen. ...

How do I pass two namespaces into XSDObjectGen from command line?

I'm trying to use XSDObjectGen as a PreBuild in Visual Studio 2008. I can run it on the command line: XSDObjectGen\XSDObjectGen.exe AnalyticsDomainModel.xsd /l:cs /d /p /n:AdaptorAnalyticDomainModel.Primatives /n:AdaptorAnalyticDomainModel /f:AnalyticDomainModel This then prompts for me to type two names spaces: Imported namespace...

is there object generator working on JSON ? (just like XSDObjectGen.exe)

Hello. I have to serialize & desserialize json data. if the data type was XSD, I am able to create class by using XSDObjectGen.exe But , the data type I have to serialize is 'JSON'. Is there any good way to generate class for serialize & deserialize ? ...

Child Xml Element is not Deserializing

The Problem I have an issue when I deserialize my xml, one of the child elements is not being deserialized. It is null in the class instance despite being populated in the xml. A little Background I used XsdObjectGenerator to create poco classes based on my .xsd. I was then able to deserialize the xml into a class instance and wo...