
Should I use Yahoo-Pipes to scrape the contents of a div?

Given: Url -{param} returns: -html- --body- {...} ---div id='foo'- ----div id='page1'/- ----div id='page2'/- ----div id='page3'/- ----div id='pageN'/- ---/div- {...} --/body- -/html- Wanted: The innerHtml of div id='foo' must be fetched by the client (i.e. Javascript). It will be split into di...

Yahoo Pipes and YQL: Can I strip HTML tags from my items?

Given this pipe, I'm trying to strip all HTML tags from -div class="post-text"- and return plain text. In other words, for this stackoverflow question, the first item should return: "Background: Over the next month, I'll be giving three talks... {...} complex generic signatures (e.g. Enumerable.Join)" Can anyone assist? At ...

How to get current date and time in Yahoo Pipes?

Is there a way to get current date and time in Yahoo Pipes? I need this to create a pipe with only the newest questions from SO as I don't want to wait for SO team to implement RSS for this... ...

YQL XML Output with custom namespace

I am attempting to parse a JSON feed from Yahoo Pipes to turn it into XML, using YQL. My query is: "select * from json where url='[pipe-id]&_render=json'" The problem is that the original Pipe was parsing an RSS feed, filled with dublin core tags (example: dc:title, dc:source, etc). The XML...

Can I send email in Yahoo Pipes?

Can I and if so then how? ...

Yahoo-Pipes, Best Practices: 'Loop with a String Regex' vs. 'Regex'

What is a useful heuristic to consider when deciding between a 'Loop with a String Regex' and a 'Regex' module? ...

how to filter asian language from a RSS feed?

I like to keep track of RSS feed. However, lately there are more and more Asian pages in the items. Since I do not understand any Asian languages, I would like to somehow filter them from the feed and save myself some time. I've been trying to cook up something using Yahoo pipes, but have not been able to get it wo...

regular expression: find and replace each match

I need to change the elements that surround some contents in a string, leaving the content as is. I'm doing it with a regular expression, but when I replace using the positional parameter ($1), it only uses the first match. For example, if I have this string: <strong>I want</strong> to change <i>this</i> text, ...

Yahoo Pipes: More complex RSS output?

I've been working with pipes for a while now, I am trying to output more than the basic structure of: Item title link description guid pubDate I want to publish more data in the RSS feed under different fields but cannot figure out if this is even possible. Any ideas? ...

How do I get an rss feed out of a google scholar search?

I'd like an rss feed from this google scholar search: Scholar Fish Oil Search I've looked a little bit at yahoo pipes, and I thought I had found a solution when I found this pipe: Old Pipe But it doesn't work (it's a couple years old now). If someone can either tell me what's wrong with that pipe, or tell me how to retrieve a feed from ...

Yahoo Pipes: Using URL Builder to customize in RSS Item Builder Module I am trying to build a baseball media feed. The 'fetch data' output I am using doesn't spit out a link to the media though it does provide the video ID [item.contentID] which needs to be appended to the following URL: I...

Regex and Yahoo Pipes: How to replace end of url

Here's the Pipe though you may not need it to answer the question: I am trying to modify all url's as so: with The synta...

Yahoo-Pipes Throttles Requests: What are the limits?

Yesterday, I began encountering '999' errors on Yahoo-Pipes. It looks like they throttle requests from a given IP address. Does anyone know the Yahoo-Pipes' requests per minute limit? ...

How do I put CDATA on Yahoo! Pipes?

I've generated a feed from for my favorite show there — ScrewAttack. But the embed option doesn't show up on Google Reader because the embedded video is in another castle tag: item.exInfo:fileType.embedcode. I've managed to find the tag where the embed code is, removed the "<![CDATA[" and "]]$gt;" from that tag with Re...

Yahoo pipes - Datebuilder and filter out unwanted days

I have a ypipe I am trying to make. I have used a CSV file for the ypipe to get information from then I want to filter out the days before and after todays date. Which means I would want only that days events going coming out of the Ypipe but I keep having problems with the filter and datebuilding process. Can anyone help? The pipe ...

Using Yahoo Pipes to Convert an RSS feed into iCal

I'm looking at the Yahoo Pipe as the basis for converting RSS feeds into iCal format. Looking at the Pipe design, I've got the following questions: The 2nd Loop construct assigns item.dtstart to item.y:dtstart: I realize this is a basic question, but the meaning of ...

Simple Regex Programming Problem

I am using Yahoo Pipes to take a twitter feed and filter information out. Pipes' regex function is a replace ______ with ____ iteration. My example is: Testbedots: happy "twins" I am trying to find a regex string that will select everything but what is within the double quotations. I am assuming there will only be one set of quot...

Google Calendar Feed - Only Show Today's Events

Hi Everyone, This is my first post here at stackoverflow. My question is how to change the google calendar feed so that it only shows events for the current day automatically? Basically what I want to do is output the feed onto a webpage that only shows events for today. The feed would change day by day. I've done something similar ...

How can I insert into Yahoo! Pipes feed titles?

This query concerns Yahoo Pipes only. I want to search for a series of characters in a feed title, and when I've found it, I want to insert some text. Yahoo Pipe's regex module allows you to search and replace, but I don't want to search and replace, only search and insert. Does anybody know whether this is possible? ...

Fetching plain text in Yahoo Pipes

I have a Yahoo pipe taking the Atom feed from a Google group, and I want to do some processing on the message's full text (running various regular expressions to extract data). I can get a message's text in plain text from from Google using a url like this:;ou...