What is the easiest, most friendly and robust E-Commerce Shopping Carts for a Zend Framework developer. I want invest my time in somethink forward-looking. I'm also interested in a solution with a big tutorial base. It should be free.
I found this solutions for PHP/MySQL :
Magento Commerce
Zen Cart
Is there any real difference between
My guess is that the first one maybe uses the second one behind the scenes. Does anyone know?
Is it good or bad practice to create separate bootstrap for each module. They make the project look a lot less disorganized in my opinion so I'd like to know if it's the norm to have them in each module.
I am following zendcast's
Zend_Navigation – creating a menu, a sitemap and breadcrumbs screencast and I will like to replace the menus he has there with so called pure "Mega Menu". The screen cast uses an xml file like so
Hi There.
I am working on an existing website that uses Zend Framework, and I am trying to avoid hard-coding content that needs to be dynamic in nature.
I have a list of articles that need to be output as links with or without a description. Each link generates a dynamic page that will output the full article with a breadcrumb and a li...
My application structure:
I want to create a module application so in my application.ini I put:
resources.frontController.moduleDirectory = APPLICATION_PATH "/modules"
resources.modules[] = ""
Basically my Application_Model_ShoppingCart for my m...
I need to JSONize some data without quotes around the values for Javascript purposes.
I am following examples like
$data = array(
'onClick' => new Zend_Json_Expr('function() {'
. 'alert("I am a valid javascript callback '
. 'created by Zend_Json"); }'),
'other' => 'no expression',
In Zend's Documentation they write about creating Navigation Containers. But they don't explain where I should create them. Does anyone know that?
I'm also wondering if a custom Navigation Container extends or overwrites the navigation.xml file which contains the static links.
(I want to make a custom Navigation Container to add dyna...
hello, can you tell me how to include the Zend_Session::start() in a bootstrap file of zf app?
Hi all,
First; On my development server (localhost; default XAMPP on OSX) everything works fine, though when I deploy the exact same code (and data) to the staging server (managed Apache2 on Redhat) it breaks.
I'm caching some data using Zend_Cache using the File backend and auto-serialization.
Special characters used in the original d...
I have a form which I need for some actions but not for others. In the actions that need it, I repeat the same code.
$form = New BlaBla_Form();
I've seen an example which declared it in init(). This means the form gets initialized even for actions that don't need it. It does make the code cleaner, but is it resource intensive enough ...
I'm trying to make Zend's command line tool to work in Aptana's terminal view (on Windows), so I can use commands like "zf create model User" directly from aptana.
So far I've managed to get the zf command work by making an alias like this alias zf=/path/to/zend/bin/zf.sh but now I'm stuck because I have to make php's cli work too.. and...
i have been following some online screencasts and tutorials about zend_auth.
i have a basic zend application created by the zf tool.
within the index controller index action i place a little code to test if a user is authenticated.
now as far...
I am building a form generator/builder for Zend Framework. It is for a client, and because the client wants to build forms without going into code, I need a drag&drop interface. The user has to be able to drag&drop predefined Form elements into a container to create a form. This is the easy part, which I've almost solved myself.
Two of my modules are conflicting and it's causing a serious issue, I'm not all that familiar with back-end programming so I've come here hoping someone can help me out. P.S. I did try to solve this on my own for at least an hour or two, learned quite a bit but not anything that was straight forward enough to solve this.
I need to modif...
Here's what the class loader looks like:
class Load
public static function init($class)
require_once 'classes/' . $class . '.php';
return new $class();
$class = Load::init('MyClass');
The error being returned is:
Fatal error: Class 'MyClass' not found in /www/website/application/model...
Hi, i m working on a shopping cart in Zend Framework and looking to integrate some open source accounting/inventory module in it.
Please suggest which will suite with Zend Framework best.
I am using zend_form in my project. In a form i want to disable a text box. Here is the code:
$personal_information = new Zend_Form(array(
'method' => 'post',
'elements' => array(
'first_name' => array('text', array(
'required' => true,
'filters' => array('StringTrim'),
'validators' => array(
Hi All,
I am using zend framework for my project and I have a requirement to route the path where I want it. For example:
I have a path www.example.com/module/controller/action1 and I want to internally route in to www.example.com/module/controller/action2.
But the main problem is I do not want to use the function in which I have to s...
I am using Zend Framework 1.10.8 and MySQL Server 5.1.X. I create my data array to update the record but only one field updates.
$where = "`character_id` = '5'";
$healthGained = 5;
$data = array();
if ($healthGained > 0) {
$data['character_current_health'] = $character['character_max_health'] + $healthGai...