
Perl: Read MANIFEST.MF file from Java .jar file

I'm trying to figure out how to read the META-INF/MANIFEST.MF file form a java jar file in perl. I'm attempting to use Mail::Header in order to separate the properties in the manifest. This works fine if the manifest file is already extracted from the jar, but I'm trying to figure out how to extract the manifest into memory and then imme...

How to zip 100 mb files during (before) upload so that upload speed can be increased?

Possible Duplicate: HTML Compress File Upload? I have complains from client that my website is taking more time to upload the 100 MB time (I know it bound to take more time because of this size), hence I am planning to upload files such that they get zipped before upload and gets uploaded to desired location and then gets unzi...

Mounting archives such as *.zips (work in kernel mode without drivers)

I was wondering if there was a way to make a *.dll that mounts archives in Windows without the need for installing drivers. I've tried mounting *.isos (and was successful), but I needed to install drivers, which was not something my intended audience wants to do (or can do). The other relevant alternatives were for Linux (fuse-zip) or d...

Unziping a file that contains other Zip Files

Hi Folks, I'm trying to unzip a files that contain other zip files. My attempt is based on the following Java2s code: My only difficulty is that when an entry is itself a Jar file, I'm not able to unzip it without writing it to a temp file first. Here is wh...

How to copy folder from within a zip using NSIS?

I'm using NSIS to write an installer. I'd like to copy the 'lib' directory contained in a zip. Is it possible to specify that the contents of is copied to, say $INSTDIR\lib? The basic idea of what I want is this, though it obviously doesn't work: File /r\lib\* Any ideas on how this can be done? ...

Zip-file that contains nothing but itself?

Just out of curiosity, does there exist a valid zip-file (according to format spec) that, contains nothing but itself? Put another way, does the function implemented by unzip have a fix-point? Can I write a program to search for such a fix-point in a intelligent (not-exhaustive) way? I've thought about the opposite as well, i.e. if zi...

Unzip file while reading it

I have hundreds of CSV files zipped. This is great because they take very little space but when it is time to use them, I have to make some space on my HD and unzip them before I can process. I was wondering if it is possible with .NET to unzip a file while reading it. In other words, I would like to open a zip file, start to decompress...

content inside zip file.

how to find list of files inside zip file without unzipping it in c#. ... incomplete literal/length tree

Hi Friends I have this problem when I try to deploy my webapp(name:auditadmin.war) on tomcat 5.05. I did the following:auditadmin.war was already deployed & working fine.Then I edited one jsp page rebuilt it using ant & deployed the new war file.Till then I am getting the error mentioned below. The stack trace is : INFO: Installing w...

create a lzma file in python

i need to create a lzma file with the existing .tar file and another metadata file to further create a zip file. ...

Hudson and SVN repo

I am using hudson as my continuous integration tool. I need to download from my svn a zip file. It gives me the following error -- /somedir/*.zip refers to a file, not a directory! I know that. Is it not possible to check out a zip file. Once that is done I would like to run a script that extracts it, and sets up a directory struct...

Recommend a ZIP assembly for Silverlight 4

I've been using the Silverlight version of #ziplib (SharpZipLib) but it seems seriously flawed because the DeflateOutputStream always produces 2 bytes (120, 156) for any input (hell of a compression algorithm ;) so I cannot use that one. What's more it seems like that latest release is almost 2 years old now. Any recommendation for a fr...

C# and Zip file manipulation

Here is what I am looking for: I need to open a zip file of images and iterate through it's contents. First of all, the zip container file has subdirectories and inside one "IDX" houses the images I need. I have no problem extracting the zip file contents to a directory. My zip files can be incredibly huge, as in GBs huge, and so I a...

How to use to archive/deflate string in java for use in Google Earth?

Use Case I need to package up our kml which is in a String into a kmz response for a network link in Google Earth. I would like to also wrap up icons and such while I'm at it. Problem Using the implementation below I receive errors from both WinZip and Google Earth that the archive is corrupted or that the file cannot be opened respec...

The best zip library with public domain license

Does anyone know zip library of C/C++ in public domain license? It meets the following requirements. It operates by the unit like stb_image.c library Supported cross platform. Windows, Mac, Linux and so on. Language is C/C++ License is public domain. ...

Unpacking archives featuring file with french names

I'm struggling to deliver an project to a client. The job is to package files into an archive; simple, right? Well, the files have (and must have) french characters in their names. I'm archiving from the linux command line, she's opening from the desktop on windows. At first, I tried 'zip', and it didn't work out. Character support ap...

How to zip Xcode project?

Possible Duplicate: How do you zip a Xcode project? Hey, I have tried to send my friend some code(project), and well I zipped the folder which was created when i started the project. But there are files missing. Any idea how i can grab all the files easily ? ...

Help creating ZIP files Windows won't block

I've made an application that takes tagged versions of a project from an hg repository and creates a downloadable ZIP file of that the tagged revision. The files are created on a MediaTemple server running Linux using CodeIgniter's ZIP Encoding Library. Everything works fine... on a Mac. But, when I download the files on a Windows compu...

is it possible to get a zipentry's inputstream from a zipinputstream?

I'm receiving a ZipInputStream from another source, and I need to provide the first entry's InputStream to another source. I was hoping to be able to do this without saving a temp file on a device, however the only way I know of getting an InputStream for an individual entry is via ZipFile.getInputStream(entry) and since I have a ZipInp...

Delphi TStringList wrapper to implement on-the-fly compression

I have an application for storing many strings in a TStringList. The strings will be largely similar to one another and it occurs to me that one could compress them on the fly - i.e. store a given string in terms of a mixture of unique text fragments plus references to previously stored fragments. StringLists such as lists of fully-qua...