
I have been very happy with Dundas Chart in the past -you could see if that suits your needs.

Unfortunately I am unable to see a surface map chart as part of there offering.
+2  A: 
George Profenza
+5  A: 

Here are some commercial providers that have the type of chart you're looking for:

  1. ChartFX for .NET - Gallery of available charts including 3D surface
  2. Nevron Chart for .NET - Gallery of available surface charts
Praveen Angyan
+2  A: 

Depends on how much you want to spend on it, there are a lot of options, we do a variety of work in 3D graphics and have explored it extensively in the past Below I have provided some links to help you get started

Hope this is useful

+2  A: 

You might also want to try:

+1  A: 

We've used Nevron before for other WinForms charts and they were great - the product worked and the Tech Support was really helpful.

They seem to do surface charts (at least as I understand them): www.nevron.com/Gallery.ChartFor.NET.ChartTypes.GridSurfaceChartGallery.aspx www.nevron.com/Gallery.ChartFor.NET.ChartTypes.MeshSurfaceChartGallery.aspx www.nevron.com/Gallery.ChartFor.NET.ChartTypes.TriangulatedSurface.aspx

(I tried to make them proper links but because I'm new I wasn't allowed to put in more than one)

+1  A: 

I would recommend using Scinet Chart from http://www.obacs.com. It has quite many charting options and much cheaper compared to alternatives.

+1  A: 

I'd advise some caution with Nevron. I have extensive experience as I've been using them for all of my charting in an Enterprise BI application for the past 5 years.

There is plenty to like about Nevron:

  • the charts look great
  • the API is pretty good
  • there are lots of chart types
  • the price is right (they are cheaper than lots of their competitors such as Dundas)
  • tech support is pretty good, you can generally mail the developers directly and get a good response from them. They are more than happy to add new chart types for you if you are prepared give some input to the the requirements. They built a great Venn Diagram component for me :)

All good so far? The killer for me has to be pain that is involved when new versions of the suite are release. We use Nevron for our Charts and Infragistics for our UI components. I can generally upgrade our application to a new version of Infragistics in half a day. A new Nevron upgrade can take anything up to 4 weeks.

They have changed their object model many times and have a track record of breaking both interface compatibility and changing the way that you do things. I have a feeling of dread every time I have to preform a Nevron upgrade...

Another word of warning, their handling of axes labelling leaves alot to be desired. I've spent alot of time trying to get axes labels to look good. Support for this has improved over the last few releases but it still isn't there yet.

Thanks Steve - I was looking at their offering seriously and you have added some great input.