




Is there a way to create a log4j Logger at runtime that will gather logging messages into a buffer?

I currently have a class that logs a number of events. For a remote application that needs to monitor the logged events, I'd like to just swap in a logger that logs to a buffer and then retrieve the buffer, rather than refactor the class. E.g. given something like:

Class Foo{
   Logger log = ....;

   public void doSomething(){ 
      .. actual code

//what I'd like to do from some outside code:

String showFooLog(){
   Foo f = new Foo();
   f.log=new Logger(... 
   return f.log.contents();

Is this possible?

Edit: Found a shorter solution, pointed to from Jared's posting( although it's still not threadsafe). Thanks for the help.

 Logger l = Logger.getLogger( ...  );
 StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
 WriterAppender appender = new WriterAppender( new HTMLLayout(), writer );
 l.addAppender( appender );
    ... run code here
 l.removeAppender( appender );
 return writer.toString()
+3  A: 

It's absolutely possible - although you're probably going to need to create your own Appender. This is really easy to do, though. Here's a rough-out of an example (need to think out thread-safety...this isn't threadsafe....and I'm not sure I like the statics...but this should be good enough to push you in the right direction):

public class BufferAppender extends org.apache.log4j.AppenderSkeleton {
    private static Map<String, StringBuffer> buffers = new HashMap<String, StringBuffer>();

    protected void append(LoggingEvent evt) {
     String toAppend = this.layout.format(evt);
        StringBuffer sb = getBuffer(evt.getLoggerName());

    public static String getBufferContents(String loggerName) {
            StringBuffer sb = buffers.get(sb);
            if(sb == null) {
               return null;
            } else {
               return sb.toString();

    public static void clearBuffer(String loggerName) {

    private static StringBuffer getBuffer(String loggerName) {
       StringBuffer sb = buffers.get(loggerName);
       if(sb == null) {
            sb = createBuffer(loggerName);
       return sb;

    private static StringBuffer createBuffer(String loggerName) {
       StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
       buffers.put(loggerName, sb);
       return sb;
Thanks for the help, pointed me towards the solution I eventually used, although the solution ended up being a bit simpler. +1.
Steve B.
+1  A: 

You could subclass org.apache.log4j.WriterAppender and provide it a ByteArrayOutputStream to store any messages. See the other subclasses of WriterAppender for inspriation. Then you can provide an instance of that object to your logger for appending via addAppender.

Thanks for the help, pointed me towards the solution I eventually used. +1.
Steve B.