



I want to have a timer going to run every 3 minutes on the page (javascript), to detect if a php session ($_SESSION) has timed out... and if so, redirect them automatically.

A good example would be, a user logs in and runs up stairs, and never comes back down... I want the javascript to log them out with a simple redirect...

Is this possible? and how would I do such a thing? I am using PHP and javascript.

Edit: What Rob said below is exactly what I am looking for... and I safely \'quote \'...

I suspect what Mike is asking for is that when the session times out, the browser should be told to navigate away from the current page. Some banks do this after a period of inactivity, for example. – Rob Kennedy 5 hours ago

+3  A: 

You could use a simple meta refresh:

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="180;url=" />

Or you implement a timeout with PHP:

if (isset($_SESSION['LAST_REQUEST_TIME'])) {
    if (time() - $_SESSION['LAST_REQUEST_TIME'] > 180) {
        // session timed out, last request is longer than 3 minutes ago
        $_SESSION = array();

Then you don’t need to check every 3 minutes if the session is still valid.

What if the user has multiple tab/windowss open? The session may still be alive.
Btw, meta refresh can also be sent as http header. With PHP that is: header("Refresh: 3600;url=");
simple, and exactly what I want :D
Mike Curry
+1  A: 

New and improved solution

As mr kennedy pointed out my original solution (below) doesn't work. so here is a way to do it.

In the user database keep a last-activity timestamp that updates every time a user loads a page.

Then in a checkaccess.php

if ( time-last_access > max_inactivity_time ) {
     return array('access' => '0');
else {
     return array('access' => '0');

Call checkaccess.php in the javascript timer(below) and logout accordingly

This also allows for a "currently logged in users" function

thanks mr kennedy

Original, non-working solution

Create a php page that returns 1 or 0 based on the validity of the current users session

Then in your pages that you want to timeout add this to the head (you need jquery)

      $.getJSON( url,
         function( data ) {
            if (data.access=='0') {
               window.location = LOGIN_PAGE;
}, 180000);

Every 180 seconds (3 minutes) it requests the php page and gets the validity of the session. If its invalid it redirects to a login page

If the user has multiple pages open the pages will timeout and redirect at different times because their timers are different.

Here's a good page on javscript timers

Simple session checking page

        isset( $_SESSION['VARIABLE'] ) ? array( 'access' => '1') : array( 'access' => '0' )

change VARIABLE to one of your session variables

The problem with that session-checking page is that the mere act of keeping the main page open is enough to ensure that the session never expires. You need to check whether the session data exists on the server without calling session_start. As soon as you call that, the session's timeout is reset.
Rob Kennedy
good point, so then i thought changing the timer to a time longer than the life of a good. but i have another idea!

If you want this to happen before the page is even refreshed, you'll want periodic ajax calls. You can use jQuery Heartbeat to make calls every 3 minutes, and use one of the PHP methods already provided by other users to check the session
