



I've downloaded a Vista icon from the web for a new application I'm developing. When I try to compile it in Visual Studio 2005 C++, I get an error message:

error RC2176 : old DIB in res\XXXXX.ico; pass it through SDKPAINT

The error message seems a little misleading, I think the "old DIB" is actually a newer format that it wasn't expecting. I've never heard of SDKPAINT, and Search doesn't find it installed on my system anywhere. Microsoft claims SDKPAINT comes with the Windows 3.0 SDK, but I can't download any SDK due to incompatibilities with our firewall.

I don't really need anything Vista specific in this icon, so anything that would dump the incompatible bits would be fine.

+1  A: 

I did a little more digging, and I found this previous question:

Which Icon Editing Software would you recommend for creating icons for apps

The accepted answer for that question suggested IcoFX. I downloaded that and used it to delete the 256x256 and 128x128 versions of the icon, and now everything's fine.

Mark Ransom