Are the below two queries functionally the same? The first one doesn't return any data, but the second works fine with same exact input. Can someone point out what's wrong in my first query?
Dim LTest2 As IEnumerable = From e1 As QNCEntity In Shape.Entities _
Join e2 As QNCEntity In Shape.Entities _
On New With { _
.X = CDbl(e1.EntObj.X2), _
.Y = CDbl(e1.EntObj.Y2) _
} _
Equals New With { _
.X = CDbl(e2.EntObj.X1), _
.Y = CDbl(e2.EntObj.Y1) _
Dim LTest3 As IEnumerable = From e1 As QNCEntity In Shape.Entities _
Join e2 As QNCEntity In Shape.Entities _
On CDbl(e1.EntObj.X2) Equals CDbl(e2.EntObj.X1) _
And CDbl(e1.EntObj.Y2) Equals CDbl(e2.EntObj.Y1)