For instance, if I am able to display a UITableView with all the movies and the Genre. Clicking Edit on the movie should load a new view(is this the right way, loading an edit view?) with a text box and some sort of selector or another view to choose the Genre. Once the Genre is selected, how do I capture the GenreId to save in the movie table?
INSERT INTO make(title) VALUES('GoldFinger', 1);
INSERT INTO make(title) VALUES('Octopussy', 1);
INSERT INTO make(title) VALUES('Love Story', 3);
INSERT INTO make(title) VALUES('Where Eagles Dare', 1);
INSERT INTO make(title) VALUES('Zombies', 2);
INSERT INTO genre(title) VALUES('Thriller');
INSERT INTO genre(title) VALUES('Horror');
INSERT INTO genre(title) VALUES('Romance');
I am using the Sqlitebooks sample as a guide.
// Movie.h
@interface Movie : NSObject {
// Opaque reference to the underlying database.
sqlite3 *database;
// Primary key in the database.
NSInteger primaryKey;
// Attributes.
NSString *title;
NSInteger *genreKey;
// Internal state variables. Hydrated tracks whether attribute data is in the object or the database.
BOOL hydrated;
// Dirty tracks whether there are in-memory changes to data which have no been written to the database.
BOOL dirty;
NSData *data;
// Property exposure for primary key and other attributes. The primary key is 'assign' because it is not an object,
// nonatomic because there is no need for concurrent access, and readonly because it cannot be changed without
// corrupting the database.
@property (assign, nonatomic, readonly) NSInteger primaryKey;
// The remaining attributes are copied rather than retained because they are value objects.
@property (copy, nonatomic) NSString *title;
@property (copy, nonatomic) NSInteger *genreKey;
// Finalize (delete) all of the SQLite compiled queries.
+ (void)finalizeStatements;
// Creates the object with primary key and title is brought into memory.
- (id)initWithPrimaryKey:(NSInteger)pk database:(sqlite3 *)db;
// Inserts the book into the database and stores its primary key.
- (void)insertIntoDatabase:(sqlite3 *)database;
// Brings the rest of the object data into memory. If already in memory, no action is taken (harmless no-op).
- (void)hydrate;
// Flushes all but the primary key and title out to the database.
- (void)dehydrate;
// Remove the book complete from the database. In memory deletion to follow...
- (void)deleteFromDatabase;
// Movie.m
// Flushes all but the primary key and title out to the database.
- (void)dehydrate {
if (dirty) {
// Write any changes to the database.
// First, if needed, compile the dehydrate query.
if (dehydrate_statement == nil) {
const char *sql = "UPDATE movie SET title=?, genreid=? WHERE pk=?";
if (sqlite3_prepare_v2(database, sql, -1, &dehydrate_statement, NULL) != SQLITE_OK) {
NSAssert1(0, @"Error: failed to prepare statement with message '%s'.", sqlite3_errmsg(database));
// Bind the query variables.
sqlite3_bind_text(dehydrate_statement, 1, [title UTF8String], -1, SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
sqlite3_bind_text(dehydrate_statement, 2, [genreId UTF8String], -1, SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
sqlite3_bind_int(dehydrate_statement, 3, primaryKey);
// Execute the query.
int success = sqlite3_step(dehydrate_statement);
// Reset the query for the next use.
// Handle errors.
if (success != SQLITE_DONE) {
NSAssert1(0, @"Error: failed to dehydrate with message '%s'.", sqlite3_errmsg(database));
// Update the object state with respect to unwritten changes.
dirty = NO;
// Release member variables to reclaim memory. Set to nil to avoid over-releasing them
// if dehydrate is called multiple times.
[movie release];
movie = nil;
[data release];
data = nil;
// Update the object state with respect to hydration.
hydrated = NO;