



I have a weird problem when using JQuery call in my ASP.NET MVC project. I found that the Ajax call gives 404 ( resource not found error). But when I use the usual URL GET call, I can successfully call the server without any problem. Any idea why this is so?

This my ASP.NET MVC code

public class ViewRecordController: Controller
  public JSONResult GetSoftwareChoice(string username)
     return Json(username);

This is my JQuery code:

$(function() {
$("#username").click(function() {
        $.getJSON("ViewRecord/GetSoftwareChoice", {username:'123'},
    function(data) {

The above JQuery gives me a 404 error. Apparently the ViewRecord/GetSoftwareChoice is not found on server, as far as the AJAX call is concerned.

But if I type this in my web browser:


then there is no problem.

This is very weird, indeed.

Just in case if you are interested, this is my route:

public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)

        "Default",                                              // Route name
        "{controller}/{action}/{id}",                           // URL with parameters
        new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = "" }  // Parameter defaults


Edit: I step into my code, and found that the URL call is ViewRecord/GetSoftwareChoice?username=123.

Related question: Select Element inside Form not working in JQuery

+4  A: 

Instead of hard-coding the URL, you might want to try a UrlHelper:

$(function() {
    $("#username").click(function() {
        var url = '<%= UrlHelper.Action("GetSoftwareChoice", "ViewRecord") %>';
        $.getJSON(url, {username: '123'}, function(data) {
Johnny G
Exactly - I'm thinking that it's also an issue with the jQuery fetch url being relative to the current path, instead of from the app root.
Jarrod Dixon
Also, +1 for using FireBug and showing us the FireBug console results.
I don't think UrlHelper works in Javascript ( I have tested it)... are you sure it works?
Ngu Soon Hui
It wouldn't work in a separate .js file, but it would work inside a <script> tag in an aspx/ascx file.
Johnny G
Gosh... that's too bad a limitation. I always keep my javascript in a separate .js file, for easier reading..
Ngu Soon Hui
If you keep it in a separate file then you need to take notice of what Johnny G was REALLY saying and what Jarrod pointed out - the url you have ("ViewRecord/GetSoftwareChoice") is a relative path and probably not what you want - you need to change it to the correct relative path or make it an absolute path.

Use Firefox Firebug add on, and watch what request gets made by Jquery...

Is it possible that the page that this Jquery runs in is in a subdirectory, in which case the request will not be relative root as the http://myapp/ "typed in" url is?

Also, I am guessing the code you specified above is not actually the code you are using (which is completely reasonable, I rairly post code as-is). Because

$.getJSON("ViewRecord/GetSoftwareChoice", {username='123'},

the = sign between username and '123' is invalid JS as far as I know. So I'm betting there is some goofy detail in the the real code that is causing the problem.

I am using ASP.NET MVC, so there is no problem of request will not be relative root as the http://myapp/ "typed in" url is.
Ngu Soon Hui

Replace the equal sign with a colon:

$(function() {
$("#username").click(function() {
        $.getJSON("ViewRecord/GetSoftwareChoice", {username:'123'},
    function(data) {
Marwan Aouida
Sorry! It's a typo in my question. I am using {username:'123'} in my code but accidentally typed {username='123'}
Ngu Soon Hui

I fix this problem by using FireBug to show me the request that was generated by JQuery. To my amazement, the url generated is


for the JSON call:

$(function() {
$("#username").click(function() {
        $.getJSON("ViewRecord/GetSoftwareChoice", {username:'123'},
    function(data) {

So I just have to change the $.getJSON line to

$.getJSON("GetSoftwareChoice", {username:'123'},

Alternatively, use the forward slash:

 $.getJSON("/ViewRecord/GetSoftwareChoice", {username:'123'},
Ngu Soon Hui
.... or to "/ViewRecord/GetSoftwareChoice". the leading slash means an absolute path, even if you don't include the hostname
Thanks, Javier. I included your response in my answer.
Ngu Soon Hui
I think Johhny G (and Jarrod in the comments) already implied this answer.