+1  A: 

The error you are getting with the batch file might be resolved by using cmd.exe as executable and "/c D:\DITBUILT.bat" as arguments?


I would recommend using cruise control with NANT.


In your build.xml file you can use NANT commands to execute your bat files or pretty much do anything else. It supports the 3.5 framework as well.

 <exec program="C:\NANT_SCRIPTS\publish\YourProject.bat" />
    <delete dir="${web01}\yourSite.com\WebFolder" />
    <copy todir="${web01}\yourSite.com\WebFolder" >
      <fileset basedir="C:\CruiseControl\ProjectFolders\YourProject\Website" >
        <include name="*.aspx" />
        <include name="*.config" />
        <include name="*.master" />
        <include name="*.asax" />
        <include name="*.ascx" />
        <include name="*.sitemap" />
Kirit Chandran