



Can you give me an example of a Hibernate mapping for the following situation:

  1. Parent table(foo) with a simple primary key (foo_id)
  2. child table(bar) with a composite key consisting of a> Foreign key to parent table (foo_id) b> key(item) of type string
  3. There is one parent to many child
  4. The Parent class will have a list of Child objects
  5. When a Parent class is saved, updated, deleted the changes will cascade to the Child

Thank you

+3  A: 

I haven't done exactly what you are asking for but this might start you off in the right direction. I think it should work. This page explains these annotations in greater detail.

public class Foo {

    public Long getId(){

    public Collection<Bar> getBars() {



public class Bar implements Serializable {
    public Foo getFoo() {
        return foo;

    @Column(name="key", length=255)
    public String getKey(){



public class BarPk implements Serializable {
    public Foo getFoo() {
        return foo;
    public void setFoo(Foo foo) {

    public String getKey(){

    public void setKey(String key){

    //you must include equals() and hashcode()    
Vincent Ramdhanie
Thanks! Do you happen to have an example without annotations? We're stuck on 1.4, unfortunately.
Mark Glass
This page explains how to do the mapping with xml.
Vincent Ramdhanie

Can be a @Id annotation assigned to a Foo property ????


Yes, you should use the following mapping

@Entity public class Parent {

private Integer id;

private List<Child> childList = new ArrayList<Child>();


Notice @CollectionOfElements and IndexColumn is Hibernate specific annotations, not JPA 1.0 specification. JPA 2.0 will introduce them.

@Embeddable public class Child {

// @Embeddable class does not contains identifiers 
// child class specific property's


So the following code will works fine

Parent parent = new Parent();

parent.getChildList().add(new Child()); parent.getChildList().add(new Child()); // other child; // A parent and two children will be saved

The drawback with this issue is that @CollectionOfElements annotation only applies to @Embeddadble class, not a Entity class. If you want a Child class as a Entity class, i would like to see the solution. It is not possible applies at the same time @Entity and @Embeddable annotations to a class.

Regards Arthur Ronald F D Garcia (Java programmer) Natal/RN - Brazil