




I'm tearing my hair out trying to figure out how to do the following:

def foo(msf: String, o: Any, os: Any*) = {
    println( String.format(msf, o :: List(os:_*)) )

There's a reason why I have to declare the method with an o and an os Seq separately. Basically, I end up with the format method called with a single object parameter (of type List ). Attempting:

def foo(msf: String, o: Any, os: Any*) = {
    println( String.format(msf, (o :: List(os:_*))).toArray )

Gives me the type error:

found: Array[Any]

required Seq[java.lang.Object]

I've tried casting, which compiles but fails for pretty much the same reason as the first example. When I try

println(String.format(msg, (o :: List(os:_*)) :_* ))

this fails to compile with implicit conversion ambiguity (any2ArrowAssoc and any2stringadd)

+5  A: 
def foo(msf: String, o: AnyRef, os: AnyRef*) = 
  println( String.format(msf, (o :: os.toList).toArray : _* ))
James Iry
It compiles but falls over at runtime: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassCastException: scala.$colon$colon cannot be cast to scala.runtime.BoxedObjectArray at scala.runtime.RichString.format(RichString.scala:242)
Also, where does toList come from?
Fixed, it works now. I'm filing a bug report - Scala shouldn't have ClassCastExceptions except when you have used asInstanceOf. toList is a method on Iterable[A]
James Iry
Filed http://lampsvn.epfl.ch/trac/scala/ticket/2072
James Iry
Apparently it's been fixed in the 2.8 branch http://lampsvn.epfl.ch/trac/scala/ticket/1360
James Iry
Why was toArray necessary, though? List is a valid input to : _*.
+2  A: 
def foo(msf: String, o: AnyRef, os: AnyRef*) =
  println( String.format(msf, o :: os.toList : _* ) )


def foo(msf: String, o: AnyRef, os: AnyRef*) =
      println( msf format (o :: os.toList : _* ) )

I much prefer the latter, though it has no locale* support.

  • Scala 2.8 does have locale support with RichString's format.
Using the RichString format method is what I opted for in the end