In trying to resolve Facebook's Puzzle "Hoppity Hop",, I'm reading one integer only from a file. I'm wondering if this is the most efficient mechanism to do this?
private static int readSoleInteger(String path) throws IOException {
BufferedReader buffer = null;
int integer = 0;
try {
String integerAsString = null;
buffer = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(path));
// Read the first line only.
integerAsString = buffer.readLine();
// Remove any surplus whitespace.
integerAsString = integerAsString.trim();
integer = Integer.parseInt(integerAsString);
} finally {
return integer;
I have seen, but I don't know the efficiency of the idiom which answers that question.
Looking at my code, it seems like a lot of lines of code and Objects for a trivial problem...