




What small things which are too easy to overlook do I need to do before deploying a rails application?

I have set up another question for any task that takes more than a minute or two, and so ought to be scheduled into a deployment process. In this question I'm mostly concerned with on-line config options and similar, that can be done, but are often left out in during the development cycle because they don't make any difference until deployment

+3  A: 
  • Ensure the DB is setup on your production server
  • Set up capistrano to deploy your app properly
    • Run a capistrano dry-run
  • Ensure Rails is packed into your vendor/rails folder
  • Ensure all gems are frozen in your app or installed on your prod server
  • Run your tests on the production machine
+1  A: 
  • Check the slow query log, and add any indexes to your models which are causing full-table traverses.

  • Also

    grep -ril FIXME

even better for the also: rake notes:fixme
Ben Scofield
+1  A: 
  • Include google analytics snippet (or other analytics)
+1  A: 

Set up the files and folders to be shared between deployed copies of the app, including (but not limited to) view caches, database config, maintenance page...

Ben Scofield
+5  A: 
  • Freeze the gems you are using rake gems:unpack
  • Change the secret in config/environment.rb
  • Filter sensitive informtion like passwords: in app/controllers/application.rb filter_parameter_logging :password, :password_confirmation
Laurie Young

These aren't really Rails-specific deployment-tasks, but I have seen them overlooked too many times for deployed systems:

  • Backups; admittedly, this can end up being a big task, but it need not be. Simply scheduling nightly backups of the database and software is often sufficient.
  • Testing the restoration procedure
  • Log rotation and archiving
  • Exception notification
  • Make sure that the place you are deploying to has the RAILS_ENV variable properly set. Either through the environment, or through a capistrano callback.
  • Make sure your tests are all passing by running rake spec, shoulda, unit tests, or whatever you are using to test.
  • Unpack your gems using rake gems:unpack
  • Decide whether you need to freeze Rails. rake rails:freeze:gems
  • Double check that dependencies are installed on the server if you need more than just gems (memcached, mail server, etc)
  • If you are using MySQL, compile and install the C-based MySQL library on the server (this could take longer than a few minutes, but typically is fairly quick if all dependencies are satisfied).
  • If you are using git, push your code to the master branch. Tag it if necessary.
  • If you are using SVN, tag the release.

I found a very good article for deploying rails app using ubuntu. You may visit for more info