I have a cron job on an Ubuntu Hardy VPS that only half works and I can't work out why. The job is a Ruby script that uses mysqldump to back up a MySQL database used by a Rails application, which is then gzipped and uploaded to a remote server using SFTP.
The gzip file is created and copied successfully but it's always zero bytes. Yet if I run the cron command directly from the command line it works perfectly.
This is the cron job:
10 3 * * * ruby /home/deploy/bin/datadump.rb
This is datadump.rb:
require 'yaml'
require 'logger'
require 'rubygems'
require 'net/ssh'
require 'net/sftp'
APP = '/home/deploy/apps/myapp/current'
LOGFILE = '/home/deploy/log/data.log'
TIMESTAMP = '%Y%m%d-%H%M'
TABLES = 'table1 table2'
log = Logger.new(LOGFILE, 5, 10 * 1024)
dump = "myapp-#{Time.now.strftime(TIMESTAMP)}.sql.gz"
ftpconfig = YAML::load(open('/home/deploy/apps/myapp/shared/config/sftp.yml'))
config = YAML::load(open(APP + '/config/database.yml'))['production']
cmd = "mysqldump -u #{config['username']} -p#{config['password']} -h #{config['host']} --add-drop-table --add-locks --extended-insert --lock-tables #{config['database']} #{TABLES} | gzip -cf9 > #{dump}"
log.info 'Getting ready to create a backup'
# Strongspace
log.info 'Backup created, starting the transfer to Strongspace'
Net::SSH.start(ftpconfig['strongspace']['host'], ftpconfig['strongspace']['username'], ftpconfig['strongspace']['password']) do |ssh|
ssh.sftp.connect do |sftp|
sftp.open_handle("#{ftpconfig['strongspace']['dir']}/#{dump}", 'w') do |handle|
sftp.write(handle, open("#{dump}").read)
log.info 'Finished transferring backup to Strongspace'
log.info 'Removing local file'
cmd = "rm -f #{dump}"
log.debug "Executing: #{cmd}"
log.info 'Local file removed'
I've checked and double-checked all the paths and they're correct. Both sftp.yml (SFTP credentials) and database.yml (MySQL credentials) are owned by the executing user (deploy) with read-only permissions for that user (chmod 400). I'm using the 1.1.x versions of net-ssh and net-sftp. I know they're not the latest, but they're what I'm familiar with at the moment.
What could be causing the cron job to fail?