



CSS frameworks have nice styles inbuilt and ask you to focuses on the grids but still there is a bit of dependency and lack of freedom it provide.. If I need to generate a webpage by looking on a PSD based mockup screen ..either i will use the classes provided by the framework but if that actual measurements does not exist I need to again specify my own rules that will add upto my CSS filesize and if performance is a constraint as always it need not a big size file..though its in kb but every drop counts.

Any comments and suggestions to use the framework in a best possible way.

+8  A: 

I think a style reset is great - but a framework is too limiting. You are forced to use their classes etc.

This could result in some inconsistent class names, like for example if you have a site that separates words with a hyphen (-) and then you use a grid that uses the underscore (_).

You also have to buy in to that framework, as in adopt it for your whole site (if the main template is using it).

See UnobtrusiveCss for a laugh :).

link doesn't work
It should work now - I think they were updating it as soon as I posted it! @shog9 - Aw I thought it might work, the cached version!

CSS Frameworks are my favourite tools for designing a page, take a look on a nice grid framework.

Ok you're limited somethines about the sizes, but you are able to design your pages much faster, after a week you know all classes.


@ArneRie: Isn't 960 gs more like a pattern than a framework? (sorry it's here but can't make comments yet)

+7  A: 

Css frameworks are not like the regular code frameworks/libraries that provide functions that allow you to do your work faster.. it is more like having a starter file, that saves you the time of writing css that you use in all your projects.

Saying that, I really do believe the best way to use a css framework is to look at what css you use more often and create a homegrown css framework. Personally i use the same reset and typography rules for the majority of my projects. I do have a collection of different grids, but really that differs based on the type of project. Not all designs will work with a grid.

Before when I tried to use a pre-built framework, I found myself wasting time removing styles or working around some of the styles from the framework. That is just from my experience with frameworks, I do know people that love working with Blueprint and swear by it.


So the moral of the story is use css reset and for visual aid for debugging a grid image in body will do the necessary. Pic lens addon will surely help for matching pixel. Thanks all for your encouraging response

Gaurav M
+1  A: 

I think it is a question of using the right tool for the job.

I use BluePrint CSS a lot and it really helps me to create standard web sites very quickly. Most of the time that is just what my clients want. If I need to dig deeper - I'll roll my own CSS, for that job - but it makes the site more expensive and takes a wee bit longer to develop and test.

I don't think CSS frameworks are an alternative to learning CSS, they just help you do standard things quickly and easily.

Hope that helps?