I am trying to create a back up file for an html file on a web server.
I want the backup to be in the same location as the existing file (it's a quick fix). I want to create the file using File file = new File(PathName);
public void backUpOldPage(String oldContent) throws IOException{
// this.uri is a class variable with the path of the file to be backed up
String fileName = new File(this.uri).getName();
String pathName = new File(this.uri).getPath();
String bckPath = pathName+"\\"+bckName;
FileOutputStream fout;
// Open an output stream
fout = new FileOutputStream (bckFile);
// Catches any error conditions
catch (IOException e)
System.err.println ("Unable to write to file");
But if instead I was to set bckPath like this, it will work.
String bckPath = "C://dev/server/tomcat6/webapps/sample-site/index_sdjf---sd.html";
I am working on Windows, not sure if that makes a difference.
The result of String bckPath = pathName+"\"+bckName; is bckPath = C:\dev\server\tomcat6\webapps\sample-site\filename.html - this doesn't result in a new file.