



I'm binding a JComboBox to an observable List. I clear and add Objects form the observable list. This works fine and reflects the changes in the JComboBox correctly.

The problem is I can't select the content of the list using the mouse although the newly added items are correctly displayed in the combobox when expanded. The getSelectedItem() is always stuck on the first item in the list.

 List<Object> sourceListObserver = 
     ObservableCollections.observableList(new ArrayList<Object>());

The binding is done using Netbeans GUI designer.

I have now also tried using DefaultComboBoxModel.

DefaultComboBoxModel model = new DefaultComboBoxModel();

Using wireSourceComboBox.removeAllItems(); and wireSourceComboBox.addItem(qb);

Still the same behaviour after removing and adding objects to the combobox.


without a working example it's hard to prove, but you probably need to fire the event listeners to have the UI track your model correctly.

see AbstractListModel.fireContentsChanged
