




We are planning to use stylecop for our MVC applicaion.Has anyone used the stylecop for MVC. It would be great if i could get pros and cons for using style cop.

+2  A: 

I've been using StyleCop for a while with the application software that I've been writing, and it's been a great tool for enforcing a standard coding style. The most important thing to take into it is an attitude that one style, generally, is as good as another-- there isn't one that's objectively superior. With that simple understanding, StyleCop will end up being a powerful tool that makes code reading, navigation, and maintenance simpler across the board.

I haven't really encountered any genuine cons for stylecop. I suspect that some people might claim the fact that its styles aren't configurable beyond whether a particular rule is or isn't enforced to be a con, but I don't think that it is. The tool exists to enforce a uniform style across the board, and if you could configure it to require this. prefixes or not, then that would defeat the purpose.

Greg D