



I converted our project from .NET 2.0 to 3.5 and am looking for optimizations that can be done utilizing 3.5 framework. What are some of the things I can do with 3.5 as in Datastructures. Also any suggestions in using DataAccess apart from LINQ to SQL. Any suggestions/pointers would be great. I am not looking at any specific optimization, just a general . I am also using VB.NET :(

+3  A: 

I'm not entirely sure what you mean by optimizations. Can you clarify a bit?

The 3.5 framework and the corresponding VB.Net compiler was not so much about optimization but much more about the concepts surrounding LINQ (language integrated query). It's a way of defining a generic query language, somewhat resembling SQL, that can be used on a variety of different sources.

For instance, lets say you had a list of Students and wanted to grab the ones which had a particular name. Prior to LINQ you'd write something like the following

Dim list As New List<Student>()
For Each cur in col
  if cur.Name = SomeName Then
  End If

LINQ greatly simplifies this by letting you write the following

Dim result = From cur in col Where cur.Name = SomeName
+3  A: 
Joel Coehoorn
This is really great thanks
+2  A: 

This link pretty much gives you all of the new VB 9.0 features at a glance:

  • Implicitly Typed Local Variables
  • Object and Array Initializers
  • Anonymous Types
  • Deep XML Support
  • Query Comprehensions Extension
  • Methods and Lambda Expressions
  • Nullable Types
  • Relaxed Delegates
Robert Harvey

VB 9 has a cool XML primitive type that lets you do:

Dim book As XElement = _
    <book category="fiction" isbn=<%= isbnNumber %>>
        <modifiedDate><%= modifiedDate %></modifiedDate>

Which is pretty cool! (code taken from msdn)

John Weldon
yeah, this is cool. It is the one and only feature (syntax sugar) of VB that I wish was in C#
Tim Jarvis

If you're using remoting or serialization in 2.0 you can switch it over to WCF remoting/serialization now and from what I've read you'll see nice performance increases.

Nice man thanks