Here is the way I would go to avoid dependency on commons lang.
public static String escapeRegexp(String regexp){
String specChars = "\\$.*+?|()[]{}^";
String result = regexp;
for (int i=0;i<specChars.length();i++){
Character curChar = specChars.charAt(i);
result = result.replaceAll(
"\\\\" + (i<2?"\\":"") + curChar); // \ and $ must have special treatment
return result;
public static List<String> findGroup(String content, String pattern, int group) {
Pattern p = Pattern.compile(pattern);
Matcher m = p.matcher(content);
List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();
while (m.find()) {
return result;
public static List<String> tokenize(String content, String firstToken, String lastToken){
String regexp = lastToken.length()>1
?escapeRegexp(firstToken) + "(.*?)"+ escapeRegexp(lastToken)
:escapeRegexp(firstToken) + "([^"+lastToken+"]*)"+ escapeRegexp(lastToken);
return findGroup(content, regexp, 1);
Use it like this :
String content = "hello[world]this[[is]me";
List<String> tokens = tokenize(content,"[","]");