I couldn't get the extreme-evolution or Chris Nielson's suggestion to work.
But, the following did work for me:
Download the following as "json2.min.asp"
Add the following line to the top of your ASP file:
<script language="javascript" runat="server" src="json2.min.asp"></script>
You can then use JSON in ASP.
Dim car: Set car = JSON.parse("{""brand"":""subaru"",""model"":""outback sport"",""year"":2003," & _
"""colour"":""green"",""accessories"":[" & _
Response.Write("brand: " & car.brand & "<br/>")
Response.Write("model: " & car.model & "<br/>")
Response.Write("colour: " & car.colour & "<br/>")
Response.Write("has foglamps: " & CStr(car.accessories.get(0).foglamps) & "<br/>")
car.accessories.get(0).foglamps = false
Response.Write("has foglamps: " & CStr(car.accessories.get(0).foglamps) & "<br/>")
Response.Write("new Json: " & JSON.stringify(car) & "<br/>")
Set car = Nothing
Note: To parse through an array of items, you need to do the following:
for each iTmp in testing
if (TypeName(iTmp))<>"JScriptTypeInfo" then
Response.Write("Item: " & iTmp & "<br/>")
end if