Is there an open source object oriented database for C++ available?
I had looked at Object oriented Relationship Mapping (ORM) libraries like those posted here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/74141/good-orm-for-c-solutions
and these were intereting as well: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/600684/object-oriented-like-structures-in-relational-databases http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_object-relational_mapping_software#C.2B.2B
My experience so far has been painful. The solutions don't appear to be mature and I've had difficulty even compiling some of them, and the documentation and support can be sparse.
I suppose at some level I'm trying to avoid learning SQL (I'm not a database developer). On the other hand, my gut feeling is that ORMs are an architectural 'workaround' in that they are creating a layer above a database system that inherently doesn't support objects.
My ideal database library would allow the following:
- Allow one to specify the object hierarchy tree based on class names, perhaps in XML or just in C++.
- Allow one to specify which fields of those classes should be persistent.
- Provide an API to create, update, delete, retreive the hierarchy of objects.
- Ideally, provide an API for the in-memory tree itself, including concurrent access to tree nodes.
I had worked on embedded system that had such a custom database and api.
I'm almost at the point where I'm just going to create my own and open source it.
Just wondering if there is anything off the shelf I can use.
I saw this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_object_database_management_systems
and am trying to figure out this might work:
Thanks in advance.