You use eq
$('ul li').eq(X);
Where X is a 0-based index of which element you want. You could also use the selector form:
$('ul li:eq(X)');
And you could also achieve a similar result by using nth-child
$('ul li:nth-child(X)');
The documentation has this to say about the difference between nth-child
and eq
While :eq(index) matches only a single element, this matches more than one: One for each parent with index. Multiple for each parent with even, odd, or equation. The specified index is one-indexed, in contrast to :eq() which starts at zero.
So by doing $('ul li').eq(19);
you would get the single 20th matched element of the query (so if there is more than one list in the document this won't get you "all 19th children", while $('ul li:nth-child(20)');
would get you the individual 20th matched list element of each <ul>
in the document.
To do something like "second to last", the sane way to do it would be like:
var $ul = $('#mylist > li');
var $el = $ul.eq($ul.length-2);
But you should probably do a check to make sure length-2 is not less than 0.