



On a Rails project, I'm using Sphinx together with Thinking Sphinx plugin. I index a table with an attribute :foo that is a float.

My desired behaviour when sorting for column :foo would be that nil values always appear at the end of the list, e.g.

id; foo (order foo desc)
1; 5
2; 3
3; -4
4: -5
5: nil
6: nil

id; foo (order foo asc)
4: -5
3; -4
2; 3
1; 5
5: nil
6: nil

If it was normal sql, I'd sort like:

:order => "(foo IS NULL) ASC, foo DESC"

But it seems not to be possible, as I think NULL values are translated to 0 (is that true?). Using sphinx ordering expressions seems not to sort my floats properly.

Did anybody solve this problem or has an idea on how to do it?


One solution I came up with in the meantime is to index an extra attribute, like this:

define_index do 
  indexes foo, :sortable => true
  has "foo IS NULL", :as => :foo_nil, :sortable => true

what lets me order like this

:order => "foo_nil ASC, foo DESC"

It's a bit clumsy, especially as I have many attributes that I want to have ordered like this.

+2  A: 

The solution you've provided is what I would suggest - as yes, you're correct, Sphinx treats NULLs as 0's.

Thank you pat. This helped me figure out a search issue I was dealing with. If you want to match an attribute with a nil value, you have to specify 0 instead of nil in your search conditions.
Jeff Whitmire