Edit: My list is sorted as it is coming from a DB I have an ArrayList that has objects of class People. People has two properties: ssn and terminationReason. So my list looks like this
ssn TerminatinoReason
123456789 Reason1
123456789 Reason2
123456789 Reason3
568956899 Reason2
000000001 Reason3
000000001 Reason2
I want to change this list up so that there are no duplicates and termination reasons are seperated by commas.
so above list would become
New ArrayList:
ssn TerminatinoReason
123456789 Reason1, Reason2, Reason3
568956899 Reason2
000000001 Reason3, Reason2
I have something going where I am looping through the original list and matching ssn's but it does not seem to work.
Can someone help?
Code I was using was:
String ssn = "";
Iterator it = results.iterator();
ArrayList newList = new ArrayList();
People ob;
while (it.hasNext())
ob = (People) it.next();
if (ssn.equalsIgnoreCase(""))
ssn = ob.getSSN();
else if (ssn.equalsIgnoreCase(ob.getSSN()))
//should I get last object from new list and append this termination reason?