- Windows 98 SE
- WMI not available
I have code that looks like this, written using my steroidal wrapping of VBScript using MSScript.
a = files.collectfiles( "c:\userver", "" )
for i = 0 to ubound( a )
f = a(i)
if strings.endswith( f, ".usv" ) then
d = files.readfilee( f )
on error resume next
executeglobal d
nErr = err.number
sErr = err.description
on error goto 0
if nErr <> 0 then
trace "*** Error " & nErr & ", " & sErr
end if
files.deletefile f
end if
system.sleep 10
There's a lot of disk activity with that call to files.collectfiles. Is there some way of detecting a change in the contents of a folder without actually scanning the folder for files?