I've actually starting to do it using "argdo" in vim. First of all, set the args:
:args **/*.java
The "**" traverses all the subdir, and the "args" sets them to be the arg list (as if you started vim with all those files in as arguments to vim, eg: vim package1/One.java package1/Two.java package2/One.java)
Then fiddle with whatever commands I need to make the transform I want, eg:
:/^package.*$/s/$/\rimport package.name.*;/
The "/^package.*$/" acts as an address for the ordinary "s///" substitution that follows it; the "/$/" matches the end of the package's line; the "\r" is to get a newline.
Now I can automate this over all files, with argdo. I hit ":", then uparrow to get the above line, then insert "argdo " so it becomes:
:argdo /^package.*$/s/$/\rimport package.name.*;/
This "argdo" applies that transform to each file in the argument list.
What is really nice about this solution is that it isn't dangerous: it hasn't actually changed the files yet, but I can look at them to confirm it did what I wanted. I can undo on specific files, or I can exit if I don't like what it's done (BTW: I've mapped ^n and ^p to :n and :N so I can scoot quickly through the files). Now, I commit them with ":wa" - "write all" files.
At this point, I can still undo specific files, or finesse them as needed.
This same approach can be used for other refactorings (e.g. change a method signature and calls to it, in many files).
BTW: This is clumsy: "s/$/\rtext/
"... There must be a better way to append text from vim's commandline...