




Here is the case, i got 2 pages. What i want is to have a number of text links( ) on page 1 all directing to page 2, but i want each link to send a different value. On page 2 i want to show that value like: Hello you clicked {value} Another point to take in account is that i cant use any php in this situation, just html.


You might be able to accomplish this using HTML Anchors.


+4  A: 

Can you use any scripting? Something like Javascript. If you can, then pass the values along in the query string (just add a "?ValueName=Value") to the end of your links. Then on the target page retrieve the query string value. The following site shows how to parse it out: Parsing the Query String.

Here's the Javascript code you would need:

var qs = new Querystring();
var v1 = qs.get("ValueName")

From there you should be able to work with the passed value.


Javascript can get it. Say, you're trying to get the querystring value from this url: http://foo.com/default.html?foo=bar

var tabvalue = getQueryVariable("foo"); 

function getQueryVariable(variable)
var query = window.location.search.substring(1);
var vars = query.split("&");
for (var i=0;i<vars.length;i++)
var pair = vars[i].split("=");
if (pair[0] == variable)
return pair[1];

** Not 100% certain if my JS code here is correct, as I didn't test it.

Stephen Wrighton

Append your data to the HREF tag of your links ad use javascript on second page to parse the URL and display wathever you want


It's not clean, but it should work.


Use document.location.search and split()


var queryString = document.location.search();
var parts = queryString.split('=');
document.write(parts[0]);  // The argument name
document.write(parts[1]);  // The value

Hope it helps


Well this is pretty basic with javascript, but if you want more of this and more advanced stuff you should really look into php for instance. Using php it's easy to get variables from one page to another, here's an example:

the url:

localhost/index.php?myvar=Hello World

You can then access myvar in index.php using this bit of code:

$myvar =$_GET['myvar'];

Ok thanks for all your replies, i'll take a look if i can find a way to use the scripts. It's really annoying since i have to work around a CMS, because in the CMS, all pages are created with a Wysiwyg editor which tend to filter out unrecognized tags/scripts.

Edit: Ok it seems that the damn wysiwyg editor only recognizes html tags... (as expected)