




I have implemented cloaking for search engines. In my category pages, it will display all the products if the user agent visiting is a search engine.

But how do I test it? Can I pretend to be a search engine? Do I wait till google indexes it and look at the cached result?

+1  A: 

There are addons for Firefox that let you set the User Agent. Here's one:


I think the new Safari has this built in when you activate the Developer menu

Lou Franco
+2  A: 

You could try User Agent Switcher in Firefox, or spider the site yourself with wget and specify the user agent with the -U option

It's worth noting that delivering different pages to some search engines (e.g. Google) can lead to the entire site being removed from their index.

Paul Dixon
I have creating another question for cloaking and black listing here...http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1029280/seo-blacklisting-for-cloaking
Paul Knopf