I always tend to forget these built-in symfony functions for making links.
This advice is for symfony 1.0. It probably will work for later versions.
Within your sfAction class:
string genUrl($parameters = array(), $absolute = false)
eg. $this->getController()->genUrl('yourmodule/youraction?key=value&key2=value', true);
In a template:
This will generate a normal link.
string link_to($name, $internal_uri, $options = array());
eg. link_to('My link name', 'yourmodule/youraction?key=value&key2=value');
If your goal is to have user-friendly URLs throughout your application, use the following approach:
1) Create a routing rule for your module/action in the application's routing.yml file. The following example is a routing rule for an action that shows the most recent questions in an application, defaulting to page 1 (using a pager):
url: questions/recent/:page
param: { module: questions, action: recent, page: 1 }
2) Once the routing rule is set, use the url_for()
helper in your template to format outgoing URLs.
<a href="<?php echo url_for('questions/recent?page=1') ?>">Recent Questions</a>
In this example, the following URL will be constructed: http://myapp/questions/recent/1.html
3) Incoming URLs (requests) will be analyzed by the routing system, and if a pattern match is found in the routing rule configuration, the named wildcards (ie. the :/page
portion of the URL) will become request parameters.
You can also use the link_to()
helper to output a URL without using the HTML <a>
In addition, if you actually want a query string with that url, you use this:
link_to('My link name', 'yourmodule/youraction?key=value&key2=value',array('query_string'=>'page=2'));
Otherwise, it's going to try to route it as part of the url and likely break your action.