



I have developed contingent country-state select dropdowns, and I'd like to factor out this behavior to an Address model so that I don't have to copy the dynamic behavior (more or less split between view and controller) each and every time I want the user to be able to enter a full address.

Basically I'm trying to dip my toes a little deeper into DRY. But I'm not sure exactly where to embed the behaviors. Do I use the model or the helper to build the necessary forms? Most importantly: where and how can I invoke the dynamic behavior for updating lists of states? Do I need an Address controller, or could it all be done from within the model?

In other words, what I've got now in the view is something like:

  # _refine.html.erb
        <%= label_tag :dest_country, 'Country: ' %></td><td>
          <%= select_tag :dest_country, 
                      << 'Select a country', 
                :selected => 'Select a country'), 
            {:include_blank => true,
            :id => 'country_select',                              
            :style => 'width: 180px',
            :onchange => remote_function(
              :url => {:action => 'update_state_select'},
              :with => "'country='+value")} %>
          <div id="state_select_div">
            <td><%= label_tag :dest_state, 'State: &nbsp&nbsp' %></td>
            <td><%= select_tag :dest_state, 
                                |s| [s[0],s[0]]} << ['Select a state'], 
                                :selected => 'Select a state'), 
                                {:style => 'width: 180px'} %></td>

The update method is in the controller:

# search_controller.rb

def update_state_select
  # puts "Attempting to update states"
  states = []
  q = Carmen::states(Carmen::country_code(params[:country]))
  states = q unless q.nil? 
  render :update do |page|
    :partial => "state_select",
    :locals => {:states => states }

Finally, I've got a partial which is dropped in with the proper names or a blank text field:

# _state_select.html.erb
<% unless states.empty? or states.nil? %>
      <%= label_tag :dest_state, 'Select a state'  %>
 <br/> <%= select_tag :dest_state, 
                     options_for_select(states.collect{|s| [s[0],s[0]]}  
                         << ['Select a state'], 
                       :selected => 'Select a state'), 
                       {:style => 'width: 180px'} %>
 <% else %>
   <%= label_tag :dest_state, 'Please enter state/province' %><br />
   <%= text_field_tag :dest_state %>
<% end %>

Now, what I'd like to do is to be able to associate an address through the model (say, Person has_one :address) and within the form for creating a new person, be able to use something like

 <%= label_tag :name, 'What's your name?' %>
 <%= text_field_tag :name %>
 <%= label_tag :address, 'Where do you live?' %>
 <%= address_fields_tag :address %>

Which could generate the appropriate drop-downs, dynamically coupled together, the results of which would be accessible through and Person.address.state.

Thanks in advance!

+1  A: 

Data belongs to models and presentation belongs to templates (and helpers). That said I would start separating data from presentation and removing useless code.

states.collect{|s| [s[0],s[0]]}

AFAIK, this execution is not required. You can simplify it to

states.collect{|s| s[0]}



but most important, you can provide a custom method in your Carmen class to get the data in the correct format.

Also the following code could be simplified using the :prompt => "Select a State" option so that you don't need neither to append a new array item, nor to manuually select the item called "Select a State".

                                |s| [s[0],s[0]]} << ['Select a state'], 
                                :selected => 'Select a state'),

Finally, you might want to encapsulate complex helpers in object to make the easier to be tested with a Test::Unit suite. Check out this screencast.

Talking about the Controller, change

# puts "Attempting to update states"
states = []
q = Carmen::states(Carmen::country_code(params[:country]))
states = q unless q.nil?


# puts "Attempting to update states"
states = Carmen::states(Carmen::country_code(params[:country])) || []

Be sure to not call two methods when you can call just one. Change

<% unless states.empty? or states.nil? %>


<% unless states.blank? %>
Simone Carletti
Thanks! These are all great suggestions which I'll implement, but I'm trying to discover how I'd refactor the dynamic update behavior out of the view/controller and into an Address model, helper or module.
Simone Carletti
Right, I've got the functionality exhibited in that cast working properly. My question is how to replicate this functionality generically, i.e., in a DRY way. To wit: * Anytime I need to gather an address, I should be able to associate an Address with the model * When I'm gathering/updating that address, I should be able to use helper methods to generate the address part of the form (which includes invoking the dynamic update of certain fields.)I don't want to copy-paste the dynamic behavior whenever I need it; I've already fine-tuned it and want to refactor it out.
+1  A: 

Let me first make sure I understand the code correctly; when a user changes the Country select box, and AJAX request is made to the server, which then sends back a script that updates the States box with the correct entries?

If so, I'd use a completely different strategy. Use a callback that's triggered when dest_country is changed. Let this callback do an AJAX GET request to e.g. /countries/{COUNTRY}/states.json (or .xml). You need to have a route and controller set up for this, of course. Populate dest_state with the returned values.

UPDATE: As for factoring out user-interface code, try using partials and helpers.

Daniel Schierbeck
Thanks. Any resources on callbacks?
Note that I really need a little more than just "try helpers and partials," I want to know HOW to factor out the contingent dynamic behavior into a plugin, module or model.

I have written a blog post on this using Carmen and jQuery. The code is reusable because it lives in a partial in my addresses views. I use it by a fields_for "address" tag in the form. You can read the entire entry here:

Eric Lubow