I'm trying to fool a very complex black box into displaying some floats differently (it's the Gruff graphing library, so this is being rendered to an image).
In the console, I can paste this:
logger.debug "Here's a float #{455.67.to_s}"
eval %{class Float
def to_s_with_time
h = (self / 60).to_i
m = self.to_i % 60
return h.to_s + ':' + m.to_s
alias_method_chain :to_s, :time
logger.debug "Here's another #{455.67.to_s}"
And I'll see
Here is a float 455.67
Here is another 7:35
But if I paste the same code into a controller, I see
Here is a float 455.67
Here is another 455.67
Why can't I replace Float.to_s within a controller? I will also accept answers to the question "What's a better way to accomplish this?"