



I have a function that is recursively calling itself, and i want to detect and terminate if goes into an infinite loop, i.e - getting called for the same problem again. What is the easiest way to do that?

EDIT: This is the function, and it will get called recursively with different values of x and y. i want to terminate if in a recursive call, the value of the pair (x,y) is repeated.

int fromPos(int [] arr, int x, int y)
+7  A: 

One way is to pass a depth variable from one call to the next, incrementing it each time your function calls itself. Check that depth doesn't grow larger than some particular threshold. Example:

int fromPos(int [] arr, int x, int y)
    return fromPos(arr, x, y, 0);

int fromPos(int [] arr, int x, int y, int depth)
    assert(depth < 10000);

    // Do stuff

    if (condition)
        return fromPos(arr, x+1, y+1, depth + 1);
        return 0;
John Kugelman
Damn! You beat me!
Billy ONeal
+1 Beat me too.
I would prefer if the method signature stays the same.
Just use overloading to provide a backward compatable signature.
Billy ONeal
In that case, you secretly call a 2nd function with the depth argument. See revised answer.
John Kugelman
+2  A: 

An easy way would be to implement one of the following:

Pass the previous value and the new value to the recursive call and make your first step a check to see if they're the same - this is possibly your recursive case.

Pass a variable to indicate the number of times the function has been called, and arbitrarily limit the number of times it can be called.


If you want to keep your method signature, you could keep a couple of sets to record old values of x and y.

static Set<Integer> xs;
static Set<Integer> ys;//Initialize this!
static int n=0;//keeps the count function calls.

int fromPos(int [] arr, int x, int y){

 int newX= getX(x);
 int newY= getY(y);
 if ((!xs.add(Integer.valueOf(newX)) && !ys.add(Integer.valueOf(newY))){

   assert(n<threshold); //threshold defined elsewhere.
What about the case when its not getting repeated in the immediate next call but after some intervening calls?
@Pranav. You are right. editing
Would downvoter comment?
+5  A: 

If the function is purely functional, i.e. it has no state or side effects, then you could keep a Set of the arguments (edit: seeing your edit, you would keep a Set of pairs of (x,y) ) that it has been called with, and every time just check if the current argument is in the set. That way, you can detect a cycle if you run into it pretty quickly. But if the argument space is big and it takes a long time to get to a repeat, you may run out of your memory before you detect a cycle. In general, of course, you can't do it because this is the halting problem.

yeah, just realized its the halting problem. Maybe i should put a bounty on it. :D
This method does not detect if it is legal to for the function to sometimes call itself with the same values -- whereas the recursion depth method can work for the general case.
Billy ONeal
Oh, and it requires the overhead of constructing the set and the entries therein.
Billy ONeal
Don't forget to clear the set when you're finished.
John Kugelman
@BillyONeal: I said "if the function has no state or side effects" (I should also add "and does not depend on any external state"); in that case, it is not okay for a function to call itself with the same values

Looks like you might be working on a 2D array. If you've got an extra bit to spare in the values of the array, you can use it as a flag. Check it, and terminate the recursion if the flag has been set. Then set it before continuing on.

If you don't have a bit to spare in the values, you can always make it an array of objects instead.

This was useful, thanks.
+2  A: 

You can only detect the most trivial ones using program analysis. The best you can do is to add guards in your particular circumstance and pass a depth level context. It is nearly impossible to detect the general case and differentiate legitimate use of recursive algorithms.

+3  A: 

You will need to find a work-around, because as you've asked it, there is no general solution. See the Halting problem for more info.

JP Alioto

You can either use overloading for a consistent signature (this is the better method), or you can use a static variable:

int someFunc(int foo)
    static recursionDepth = 0;
    if (recursionDepth > 10000)
        recurisonDepth = 0;
        return -1;
    if (foo < 1000)
        someFunc(foo + 3);
    recursionDepth = 0;
    return foo;

John Kugelman's answer with overloading is better beacuse it's thread safe, while static variables are not.


Billy ONeal

IMHO Only loops can go into an infinite loop.

If your method has too many level of recursion the JVM will throw a StackOverflowError. You can trap this error with a try/catch block and do whatever you plan to do when this condition occurs.

Peter Lawrey