



For text links, I have:


a:link {color: #3366a9; text-decoration: none}
a:hover {border-bottom: 1px solid; color: black}

But this also adds a black underline on linkable IMGs that I do not want.

How do I remove the border-bottom on linkable IMGs when hovered using CSS?

I've tried the following:

a:hover img {border-bottom: 0px}

But that doesn't work

Live example at: (try to hover over the logo in top-left)

+5  A: 
a:hover img {border-bottom: 0px;}

That should do the trick.

I've tried that and it doesn't work :(
he's assigned a rule to *anchors*, so stating something inside doesn't have a border wont affect the actual hover tag
I've linked to the live example in the main post above ... in case that helps.
Hmm, odd thing is that the bottom border only shows up in IE8. Tested compaitibiliy mode (doesn't display any border) and Chrome 3.0 (works as expected). Did specifying the :hover directly on a class for the image not work either?
To get this working in IE8, I added this below my a:hover in the css file:img{ border: 0px;}
@Relster, the bottom-border shows up for me using Firefox 3.5RC
Maybe it doesn't make sense for the site, but maybe it does: what about putting your main navigation links inside of a specific div and then making your css .mainnav a:hover {border-bottom: 1px;}. Rather than using the bottom border everywhere and limiting the img, you're limiting the border to only where you need it.
+1  A: 

Not sure if this is the best solution, but it works:

 a:link {color: #3366a9; text-decoration: none}
 a:hover {border-bottom: 1px solid black; }

 .aimg:link {color: #3366a9; text-decoration: none}  
 .aimg:hover { border-bottom: none; }

Then set the anchors with images in them to the "aimg" class:

<a class="aimg" href="Test.htm"><img src="images/myimage.gif" /></a>
Steve Echols
+1. Only way to do it with just CSS. Too bad there's no "has" selector...
@seanmonstar, is the ">" selector effectively a "has"?
no, > means immediate child. div > a selects <div><a href="#">asdf</a></div> but not <div><p><a href="#">qwer</a></p></div>.

Have you tried a img {border:none} ?

I've tried that and it doesn't work
I've linked to the live example in the main post above ... in case that helps.
+2  A: 

If you float your images vs. inline this will work and will require no modifications to image link attributes that Steve's answer requires.

a:hover img {
border: none !important;
display: block;