



Hi, I had posted a file which will read each line in the outfile.txt.

 <project name="Read3rdLine" default="main" basedir=".">
    <property name="myInt" value="0"/>
    <property name="x" value="0"/>
    <property name="LineToRead" value="2"/>

    <target name="main" description="compiles the source code">
    <property name="i" value="0"/>
    <foreach item="Line" in="outfile.txt" property="x" trim="Both">
    <property name="i" value="${int::parse(i) + 1}"/>
       <if test="${i==LineToRead}">
          <property name="myInt" value="${x}"/>
    <echo>found  ${myInt} at line ${LineToRead}</echo>

  Now the contents of outfile.txt file is shown below

  EID                Packet name                    Name                            
  e352312            a.cpp                          [email protected]    

Now Can anyone suggest me a way by which i can read the 2ndline 3rd column i.e i should be able to read the mail ID and echo this thing to me and i want this value to be returned to ccnet.config file which calles the nant task.i.e ccnet.config file should uupdate the mailing list dynamically.

Please get back to me for more clarifications

Thanks and regards GNR