




suppose I have this class:

public class A {

    private HashMap<String, B> map;

    private void setB(ArrayList<B> col) {

    private ArrayList<B> getB() {


When trying to unmarshall an xml document to this class using JaxB I notice that instead of calling the setB() method and sending me the list of B instances JaxB actually calls the getB() and adds the B instances to the returned list. Why?

The reason I want the setter to be called is that the list is actually just a temporary storage from which I want to build the map field, so I thought to do it in the setter.


+2  A: 

thats the way jaxb is handling collections. you have to be sure you have a non null collection when jaxb try to unmarshal.

there is a plugin (never used it myself) but can be helpful:

+1 for pointing out the way jaxb does collections, but that plugin won't help. That's a plugin for the XJC code generatror,m and doesn't change JAXB's runtime behaviour.
I read some old email thread which claimed that this behavior was being fixed in JaxB 2.1. I would expect that there is a property that on JaxbContext.newInstance(classes, *properties*) which control the marshaling behavior, but I can't find it.

JAXB has problems supporting interfaces and abstract classes; it usually doesn't know what subclass to instantiate. The problem is, it's a common pattern to have a class along the lines of:

ArrayList list;

public List getList() {return this.list;}

To get around this, JAXB doesn't even try to instantiate the property class (e.g. List) derived from the getter/setter pair if it's a Collection. It just assumes that it's non-null and modifiable.

Probably the simplest work around is to mark your business interface with @XMLTransient and add a different getter/setter pair with @XMLElement for the view for the data that you want to expose to JAXB. I usually make these protected rather than public, because I don't care to have the somewhat-goofy JAXB behavior as part of my classes' public contract.



you can use it with jaxb, it's work !!! (with Maven....)


and you get your setter for your Collection

Hope it would help people


LE GALL Benoît

Jaxb2 UnMarshaller defines a listener interface which is called any time an object has been un-marshaled. You can define a custom listener to invoke setter methods on all collections (or on sub-objects). This should be pretty easy to do with any one of the bean utils classes. I'm looking for an existing implementation, though I don't see one.

JAXBContext context = JAXBContext.newInstance( classesToBeBound );
m_unmarshaller = context.createUnmarshaller();
  new Unmarshaller.Listener() {
    public void afterUnmarshal(Object target, Object parent) {
     for (Property p : getBeanProperties(target.getClass()))
      if (p.isCollectionType() || p.isCompositeType())

If you are using the spring framework, its pretty straightforward:

    new Unmarshaller.Listener() {
         public void afterUnmarshal(Object target, Object parent) {
             BeanWrapper wrapper = new BeanWrapperImpl(target);
             for (PropertyDescriptor pd : wrapper.getPropertyDescriptors()) {
                 if (pd.getPropertyType() != null) {
                         if (!BeanUtils.isSimpleProperty(pd.getPropertyType())) {
                             try {
                                 Method setter = pd.getWriteMethod();
                                 if (setter != null) {
                                     Method getter = pd.getReadMethod();
                                     if (getter != null)
                                         setter.invoke(target, getter.invoke(target));
                             catch (Exception ex) {
                                 s_logger.error("can't invoke setter", ex);

You can just use an array instead of List )
