





If I write the following code:


the variable stays fine as long as I'm on the page on which it was created, and the second I try to call $_SESSION['user_id'] from another page, I don't get a response. Can anyone tell me what mistake I'm making?

+13  A: 

You should be using session_start() on every page you want to use sessions on. Are you?

Vinko Vrsalovic
no. Should I be doing this?
Yes, you should.
Vinko Vrsalovic
@daniel - yes. It calls up the session from storage.
Aiden Bell
thanks guys. checks out.
yes. you should really read the section about sessions in the manual before starting to code.
Philippe Gerber
@Vinko Vrsalovic: Better make your anwer a statement rather thant a question.
@Gumbo: Ok... ...
Vinko Vrsalovic
+4  A: 

As long as:

  • You are doing session_start() on the other page. Note: you don't make this call once. You do it on every page that wants to access the session information;
  • The other page can see your cookie from this site (ie sufficiently similar domain); and
  • The other page is running on the same server.

then it can see it. Construct a simple test case and verify this and then work out why what you're doing is different.

+1  A: 

You must have session_start() on every page

Yoann Le Touche
+1  A: 

Ensure that the PHPSESSID cookie is actually being set, and that no headers / content have been sent before you call session_start()

Neil Aitken