I am using ZendAMF for remoting.
error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT); //error reporting, not needed
require_once "Zend/Amf/Server.php"; //the zendAMF server
require_once "process.php"; //our test class
$server = new Zend_Amf_Server(); //declare the server
$server->setClass("process"); //load our test-class to the server
$server->setClassMap("Session", "Session");
echo($server->handle()); // needed to start the server
My Question is i have a ActionScript class Session and a PHP Class Session, but still it does not get mapped. I have some doubts... may be silly...
Should the file name of PHP class to be the same name of class name, as its not necessary but while mapping does it carry a value score.
How will you call those mapped objects inside your flex application. My approach is indicated below, but not sure whether its correct or not.
$server->setClassMap("Session", "Session"); Which is a PHP and Flex class in the above function.
Also my PHP session class is inside the include directory, should i indicate that anywhere or the ZendAMf will take care of it.
Flex Code.
var userSession:Session = new Session();
sessionHold.text = userSession.userid;