




a webservice returns some data to me. The data is actually just raw HTML (so no XML header, or tags around it, but just a piece of html).

<div class="Workorders">
    <div id="woo_9142" class="Workorder">
        <span class="Workorder">S1005</span>
        <span class="Pn">30-2</span>
        <span class="Description">Cooling Fan</span>
        <span class="Shortages">3616-1 (SV)</span>
        <span class="Company">xxx</span>
    <div id="woo_9143" class="Workorder">
        <span class="Workorder">S1006</span>
        <span class="Pn">30-2</span>
        <span class="Description">Cooling Fan</span>
        <span class="Shortages">3616-1 (SV)</span>
        <span class="Company">xxx</span>

If this were XML like so:

    <workorder id="woo_9142">

I could go like this in jQuery:

$('/workorders/workorder', data).each(function() {
    //This would give every partnumber $('partnumber', this).text();

How can I parse the returned HTML (like described at the beginning)?

myNamespace.onSuccess = function(request) {
    //request contains the raw html string returned from the server

    //How can I make this possible:
    $(request).find('div.Workorders div.Workorder').each(function() {
       //Do something with the Workorder DIV in 'this'
+2  A: 

something like

myNamespace.onSuccess = function(request) {    
    $(request.responseText).filter('div.Workorder').each(function() {
       $('span.Pn', $(this)).text();
Russ Cam
No this doesn't work...
updated- try it now
Russ Cam
I found another solution which is similar to the xml parsing: $('div.Workorder', request).each(function() {}); which does the trick in the old fasion jQuery way... Anyway this is probably closest solution... :)
@ropstah - what you have looks cleaner. That's what I get for not writing any jQuery for a couple of weeks... :)
Russ Cam

You can specify explicitly the return type you are expecting:

Jonathan Sampson
I'm not using jQuery for the AJAX request. I'm working with .NET MVC which has it's AJAX functions built in. In the background it does use jQuery, but I don't have control...

Have you tried adding the html to the dom, hiding it and then process it:

myNamespace.onSuccess = function(request) {
    var hidden = document.createElement ( 'div' ); = 'hiddenel';
    $("body").append ( hidden );
    $("#hiddenel").css ( 'visibility', 'hidden' );
    $("#hiddenel").html ( resp );
    $("#hiddenel").find ( 'div.Workorders div.Workorder').each(function() {
Martin Redmond