Here's the code I'm using. I can't seem to see where the problem is - its meant to upload multiple files at out ones. The funny thing is that some times it uploads just one file, and then won't upload anything.
Can someone help me look into it please..
/*** the upload directory ***/
$upload_dir= './uploads';
/*** numver of files to upload ***/
$num_uploads = 5;
/*** maximum filesize allowed in bytes ***/
$max_file_size = 999999951200;
/*** the maximum filesize from php.ini ***/
$ini_max = str_replace('M', '', ini_get('upload_max_filesize'));
$upload_max = $ini_max * 99999991024;
/*** a message for users ***/
$msg = 'Please select files for uploading';
/*** an array to hold messages ***/
$messages = array();
/*** check if a file has been submitted ***/
/** loop through the array of files ***/
for($i=0; $i < count($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name']);$i++)
// check if there is a file in the array
$messages[] = 'No file uploaded';
/*** check if the file is less then the max php.ini size ***/
elseif($_FILES['userfile']['size'][$i] > $upload_max)
$messages[] = "File size exceeds $upload_max php.ini limit";
// check the file is less than the maximum file size
elseif($_FILES['userfile']['size'][$i] > $max_file_size)
$messages[] = "File size exceeds $max_file_size limit";
// copy the file to the specified dir
/*** give praise and thanks to the php gods ***/
$messages[] = $_FILES['userfile']['name'][$i].' uploaded';
/*** an error message ***/
$messages[] = 'Uploading '.$_FILES['userfile']['name'][$i].' Failed';
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
<title>Multiple File Upload</title>
<h3><?php echo $msg; ?></h3>
if(sizeof($messages) != 0)
foreach($messages as $err)
echo $err.'<br />';
<form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="<?php echo htmlentities($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); ?>" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="<?php echo $upload_max; ?>" />
$num = 0;
while($num < $num_uploads)
echo '<div><input name="userfile[]" type="file" /></div>';
<input type="submit" value="Upload" />