



Hi Guys,

So I have setup a httpwebrequest using HTTPS and the code is working fine when fiddler is running.

When Fiddler isn't running - I get a "request timeout" error.

Does anyone have any ideas what would be the cause? I have

a) Ensured that security policy exists as per

if (this.IngoreCertificateErrors) ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback += delegate(object sender, X509Certificate certificate, X509Chain chain, SslPolicyErrors sslPolicyErrors) { return true; };

b) I have also ensure no firewall conflicts etc

What else can I try?

Edit: Just to be clear - my app basically logins to a website to get a report. On steps 1-3) login, get urls for login and report. Step 4) once logged in - get report. The problem I have is that Step 4) ONLY works with fiddler ?

+1  A: 

Check Internet settings on the machine, have the Fiddler proxy setting accidentally been left in place?

Check the application .Config do you have network proxy settings pointing at the Fiddler tool?

hey anthony - yep they are set correctly. Its really only step 4) thats not working

Did you resolve this? I am having the same issue - however a different error. Only works when fiddler is running??!!

+1  A: 

Just found the solution for my identical? problem on another thread:

Adding the following to app.config has my app running happily:

      <add address="*" maxconnection="30" />

So this makes me think that I am missing some house cleaning in my code and open connections are not getting closed.
