I have the following form in cakephp:
<div class="quickcontactDisplay">
echo $form->create('Enquiry',array('action'=>'add','class'=>'quickcontact'));
echo $form->hidden('visitor_id', array('value' => $visitor));
echo $form->input('name');
echo $form->input('emailAddress',array('size' => 30));
echo $form->input('enquiry');
echo $form->end('Ok, I\'m done');
As you can see, its wrapped in a div with class .quickcontactDisplay.
On submit, it goes to the add action of my enquiries controller and it does this via ajax, using the jQuery form plugin. Heres my jQuery:
// bind 'quickcontact' and provide a simple callback function
$('form.quickcontact').ajaxForm(function(html) {
//updates the .quickcontactDisplay div with the action output.
The actual action of the enquiries controller doesn't do a fat lot at this point, apart from throw back the built in validation messages set in my model. Heres the code anyway:
function add() {
$this->set('visitor', $this->Session->read("visitor"));
if (!empty($this->data))
if ($this->Enquiry->save($this->data))
//echo 'success';
$this->layout = 'ajax';
//echo 'fail';
$this->layout = 'ajax';
My Problem:
When I submit the form, it updates my div with the error messages, and everything seems fine. However, when I submit it AGAIN, it doesn't trigger the ajax call and just submits directly to the action, resulting in a page containing just the action output html.
Heres what the action returns: Just the empty form and validation messages: ( I thought it was time for a pastebin as its getting a bit long-winded )
It seems that when the form contained within the .quickcontactDisplay div is updated via ajax, it breaks the ajax bind, and doesn't kick in again. Can anyone see what could be happening here? Thanks.