



I'm configuring my Django project to run on Apache using mod_wsgi. I am attempting to run Django below the directory 'cflow' on apache, but am running into problem with redirects.

My apache conf looks something like this:

WSGIScriptAlias /cflow "C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\wsgi\django.wsgi"
<Directory "C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\wsgi">
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all
<Directory "C:\Projects\myproject\src">
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all

The problem I'm running into is that if the user is not logged in, a request for /cflow/somepage.html will be reidrected to /accounts/login?next=/cflow/somepage.html. This new address is not below the django root (cflow), so apache responds with a 404 Not Found.

My question is how can I have the Django redirects mapped to be below the applications root directory on apache? I.e. how can I make the /accounts/... page be instead /cflow/accounts/...?

Thanks for any help.

+3  A: 

Things to try:

  1. Change current domain to "yourdomain.tld/cflow" in the "sites" framework. It's easy to do using django admin or dumpdata/loaddata commands.

  2. Looks like your site is using login_required decorator. In that particular case you can add to

    LOGIN_URL = '/cflow/accounts/login/'

alex vasi
Thanks. I was hoping for a solution that was transparent to the Django app. I'd like to be able to test the site on one address/server and deploy on another without any additional configuration.I'll look into the sites framework, though. Thanks for the tip.
I thought it would be more straightforward, too, but this is definitely a correct answer. I was having the same problem and finally found this answer. Thanks alex!
anonymous coward