My scenario is as follows: I have a table of data (handful of fields, less than a hundred rows) that I use extensively in my program. I also need this data to be persistent, so I save it as a CSV and load it on start-up. I choose not to use a database because every option (even SQLite) is an overkill for my humble requirement (also - I would like to be able to edit the values offline in a simple way, and nothing is simpler than notepad).
Assume my data looks as follows (in the file it's comma separated without titles, this is just an illustration):
Row | Name | Year | Priority
1 | Cat | 1998 | 1
2 | Fish | 1998 | 2
3 | Dog | 1999 | 1
4 | Aardvark | 2000 | 1
5 | Wallaby | 2000 | 1
6 | Zebra | 2001 | 3
- Row may be a "real" value written to the file or just an auto-generated value that represents the row number. Either way it exists in memory.
- Names are unique.
Things I do with the data:
- Look-up a row based on either ID (iteration) or name (direct access).
- Display the table in different orders based on multiple field: I need to sort it e.g. by Priority and then Year, or Year and then Priority, etc.
- I need to count instances based on sets of parameters, e.g. how many rows have their year between 1997 and 2002, or how many rows are in 1998 and priority > 2, etc.
I know this "cries" for SQL...
I'm trying to figure out what's the best choice for data structure. Following are several choices I see:
List of row lists:
a = []
a.append( [1, "Cat", 1998, 1] )
a.append( [2, "Fish", 1998, 2] )
a.append( [3, "Dog", 1999, 1] )
List of column lists (there will obviously be an API for add_row etc):
a = []
a.append( [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] )
a.append( ["Cat", "Fish", "Dog", "Aardvark", "Wallaby", "Zebra"] )
a.append( [1998, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2000, 2001] )
a.append( [1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 3] )
Dictionary of columns lists (constants can be created to replace the string keys):
a = {}
a['ID'] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
a['Name'] = ["Cat", "Fish", "Dog", "Aardvark", "Wallaby", "Zebra"]
a['Year'] = [1998, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2000, 2001]
a['Priority'] = [1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 3]
Dictionary with keys being tuples of (Row, Field):
Create constants to avoid string searching
a[(1, NAME)] = "Cat"
a[(1, YEAR)] = 1998
a[(1, PRIORITY)] = 1
a[(2, NAME)] = "Fish"
a[(2, YEAR)] = 1998
a[(2, PRIORITY)] = 2
And I'm sure there are other ways... However each way has disadvantages when it comes to my requirements (complex ordering and counting).
What's the recommended approach?
To clarify, performance is not a major issue for me. Because the table is so small, I believe almost every operation will be in the range of milliseconds, which is not a concern for my application.